multi-vortex tornado

Vermont experiences rare March twister that underscores importance of tornado storm shelter protection

If a tornado can happen in Vermont, it can happen anywhere. Vermont hasn’t seen such long-winded appeals since Bernie Sanders. All jokes aside, a very serious situation unfolded in the Green Mountain State that underscores the fact that no location or topography is truly immune from the powerful effects of killer tornadoes. Although the tornado…


How your tax refund and stimulus check could be used to invest in an above-ground storm shelter or modular safe room

Money is a terrible thing to waste. Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck, so we’re constantly looking for ways to pinch pennies and offset expenses. While we might be tempted to splurge a little whenever our bank accounts receive a little extra padding, the merits of investing those funds could mean a future financial windfall.…

tornado shelter

Steel tornado shelter can weather freak winter tornadoes and storms

Tornadoes are the vanguard of complete chaos and incomprehensible damage. Within a matter of minutes, these harbingers of doom can reduce once sturdy brick and mortar neighborhoods to unrecognizable piles of debris and heartache. Residents of Fultondale, Alabama are living with this stark reality following last Monday’s disastrous tornado that damaged 265 homes. Advanced forecasting…
