Schools and colleges are supposed to be safe havens for students. These academics sanctuaries were built to shield our most precious assets from the threats and responsibilities of adulthood. Unfortunately, a nationwide increase in domestic shootings and changing weather patterns has forced an uncomfortable conversation. How can we adequately protect our children with wolves at our doors? Although our paternal instincts might suggest otherwise, we cannot constantly watch over our children. School storm shelters from U.S. Safe Room are a practical safety solution to the changing domestic climate. Our modular and above-ground storm shelters are turnkey and reliable first-line defenses against deranged shooters and sporadic tornadoes. As a parent you can still your nerves from the unknown with steel protection from U.S. Safe Room.
Retrofit any classroom or office space with panelized safe room and storm shelter
Do you remember the old ‘duck and cover’ commercials? During the Cold War, air raid sirens would send students scurrying underneath the desks as schools tried in vain to simulate a nuclear attack. Today, we know that such a practice would do very little to protect anyone from an initial atomic blast, let alone from radiation and fallout. The same is true for modern tornado drills that include sending children out into the hallways of schoolhouses and simply hoping for the best. College campuses are especially prone to insidious threats that disrupt the intended nurturing and protective environment of scholastic academies. Since the 2006 Virginia Tech school shooting, college campuses have become prime targets for domestic shooters. So how do we reverse this deadly trend? As a society, we must begin to be proactive in protection vulnerable populations. While we cannot remove dangerous weapons from domestic terrorists, we can offer peace of mind with our line of school storm shelters. These knock-down units can be easily installed into existing classroom or office without affecting the structural integrity.

From tornadoes to domestic threats, U.S. Safe Room school storm shelters have you covered
So, we already know what you’re thinking. How could our school system or college campus pay for a school storm shelter? FEMA currently offer’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program that provides funding for damage-prevention projects, such as tornadoes. Supplemental funding through congressional channels is also available. When it comes to protecting students, can we truly put a price on safety? Concerned parents should also approach their respective school board or city council to inquire about the possibility of fund allocation for affordable community storm shelters. Letters to your state and congressional representatives could also provide much needed traction for fund allocation.