Grocery shopping shouldn’t be this difficult. While there’s nothing particularly taxing about stopping on the way home to pick up a carton of milk or loaf of bread, mindless errands after a hard-day at the office are tedious at best. You’re already exhausted. Adding another errand to the chore list is like putting a milestone around your neck. You just wanna go home. After begrudgingly scanning the aisles for your nightly provisions, you finally make it to the check-out counter. Of course, there’s a line of customers snaking around the corner. Great. But like Indiana Jones, you finally make it through the gauntlet. Escape in sight. Only one final boss awaits. While loading your car, an eerily familiar darkness envelops the parking lot. You cast your eyes skyward to see a funnel cloud barreling down on your street. If only the local grocer had invested in a commercial tornado shelter.
You drop your keys. You scan the parking lot for cover. There’s nothing. Your destiny with fate is intertwined. In a befuddled rush, you quickly pick-up your keys with the lofty expectations of outrunning the storm. But you realize this too, is futile. No one can outrun a tornado. Even Dale “The Intimidator” Earnhardt” would never have tried to outrun a tornado. Your only option is get under your car and pray for the best. This worst-case scenario has become a living nightmare reality for thousands of American shoppers annually. Just last week, roughly 20 Colorado Springs shoppers were forced to seek shelter at their local grocery store. This wasn’t the first time that the frozen food section was the town’s only refuge. Frightened customers suddenly found themselves overwhelmed. In this dystopian nightmare, the local Piggly Wiggly suddenly became their only hope for salvation. A commercial tornado shelter from U.S. Safe Room can prevent confusion and frantic panicking during emergency situations.
Keep loyal customers and employees safe with steel-gauge protection

Your customers deserve reassurance and protection from the unknown. With the increasing prevalence of deadly storms and sporadic spree shootings, it’s truly amazing that anyone ventures from the safety of their friendly confines. Don’t you owe it to them to offer them just a little peace of mind? . And what about your hard-working employees? They risked their lives daily at the height of the coronavirus pandemic as essential workers. Even when they could’ve easily lived off the generous amount of federal unemployment, they remained loyal to your business. Let superior protection be an added perk to working at your organization. Commercial tornado shelters can easily implemented into almost any office or business. By reinforcing these sturdy metal hulls to an external concrete pad, your commercial tornado shelter will be capable of withstanding windspeeds of 250 miles per hour. Comprised of a quarter-inch of superior steel protection, our safe rooms and shelters can protect customers and employees from both dangerous storms and deranged shooters.

Tornado Safe Community Shelter
- EF-5 250 MPH Wind Tested and Approved Design
- Encased in solid steel with industrial steel structural framing for maximum protection
- Customizable for any of your needs and number of persons you plan to protect
- Risk management for schools, towns, businesses, and remote construction sites
- Versatile uses include warm-up and cool down rooms with Power and Climate Control
- Easy Accessibility to safe Tornado and severe weather for large groups
- Restroom options with Chemical Toilet or Plumbing for Emergency Planning
- Turn-key installation available