Police line do not cross caution tape

UNC Charlotte shooting renews safety discussion

Despite desperate pleas from social advocacy groups nationwide, mass shootings – particularly on school and college campuses – have become an all too comfortable and chilling reality. On the last day of classes at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, the idyllic southern campus was rocked with loud bursts of gunfire. A campus lockdown…

clear field with storm brewing

When Tornadoes Strike Without Warning

Just yesterday morning, three twisters struck Northern Texas. The residents did not receive an alert of the tornadoes arrival. Homes were destroyed by tornadoes, and multiple people were injured and hospitalized. The tornadoes came early in the morning, before most were even awake. The storms came through Johnson County, and caused extensive property damage. This…

tree reflecting the sky in the ground

Above Ground Tornado Shelters

When preparing for disaster, it’s important to ask all the questions. Number one, which safe room is right for me? There’s a common misconception that the best option is an underground bunker. It’s true that being underground creates many natural barriers between the safe room and danger. However, above ground tornado shelters are extremely safe…
