If you routinely pay attention to national media reports, we are living in an unprecedented period of danger and peril. Never before has humanity been pressed by so many vexing issues and dilemmas. Everyday, new information on the disturbing effects of climate change emerge, further necessitating the need for revolutionary counter measures to prevent the earth from completely spinning off its axis. Sectarian and domestic violence teeters humanity on a collision course with outright chaos and political turmoil has faced every American to reevaluate how safe their home truly is. Everywhere you look, imminent doom appears to be percolating to the surface of our collective psyche. So how can you subdue these pervasive feelings of unease? Invest in a bug-out room from U.S. Safe Room!
Uncertain times require steadfast steel protection
So what can you, as an individual, do to regain your sense of normalcy and reassurance when the world around us is unraveling at its seams? From a macro and pragmatic frame of mind, there isn’t a whole lot a single person can do to reverse this gauntlet mankind has laid upon us. Aside from those affluent and level-headed minds, humanity seems content to absorb the reverberating aftershock until the storm that is raging around us begins to subside. If mankind does not heed to the dire warnings of climatologists, we could be destined for a bumpy ride of scorching summers and unrelenting winters. Even a complete override of our carbon-based consumption and energy model could not be enough to overcome the carbon dioxide burden we have placed upon our warming oceans. By the year 2050, we could be living in a drastically altered sobering reality that emphasis practicality over progress. Instead of forecasting expected gains, we will be looking to hedge our bets as we look to survive cataclysm upon cataclysm.
While complete avoidance of a climate catastrophe appears highly unlikely, there is one proven safeguard that could mean the difference between survival and death: a reinforced steel safe room or bomb shelter. U.S. Safe Room offers both above and below ground security options that can satisfy any contingency plan, as well as terrain and foundation challenges unique to your home’s location.
Bug-out rooms can be retrofitted for any floor plan

A U.S. Safe Room® Knock-Down Unit features easy-to-install modular steel panels that can be fitted to any size room, hence creating a safe room wherever is most convenient for you and your family. It’s like giving your home body armor, and it could save your life.
As opposed to transporting an entire safe room pre-assembled, these safe room kit panels are lightweight and are transported by truck in single units for maximum convenience and confidentiality. Upon arrival, you may opt to install the panels yourself or have them installed by one of our professionals. Even in uncertain times, the structural integrity of these units never waver and can withstand criminal attacks, tactical bombing runs and almost any threat imaginable.
In an era when mass shootings are becoming ubiquitous rather than an exception, a discrete modular room can be strategically placed in schools, churches, shopping center and parks to separate innocent bystanders from a madman’s rampage. While reported threats in distant lands may appear innocuous to your everyday happenings, the capricious nature of violent acts proves that danger can strike anywhere at any time.
Underground shelters for superior subterranean protection

A U.S. Safe Room® Underground Bunker or bug-out room provides the perfect framework for your prepping plan. Our bunkers are completely underground units that will protect you and your family from outside dangers while letting you maintain your quality of life indoors. Customizable for your needs, you can design your survival bunker to be a media room, home office, gym, or fallout shelter with the living arrangements necessary to encourage longevity. Designed to withstand any force, these units are fitted with security doors and encased in steel.
When mettle meets metal
The benefits of investing in guaranteed steel protection often outweigh the initial financial burden. In case you’re not sold on our heralded steel protection, we’ve took it upon ourselves to enumerate the advantages of a U.S. Safe Room bunker or safe room.
- You’ll have peace of mind. Why spend another day worrying about the worst case scenario if you’re not going to take steps to mitigate the potential threat? There are few guarantees in life, but we feel that U.S. Safe Room steel protection is still pretty close.
- You’ll gain valuable additions to your floor plan. Even if those doomsday threats never come to be, you can still take comfort in the added square footage your home will gain. Many of our customers have transformed their bug-out room or bunkers into storage space, family rooms or even a clandestine man cave or workshop. These ventilated structures can offer you everyday creature comforts when the bustling real world becomes over stimulating and mundane.
- A safe room could increase your property’s value. You may want to reconsider and perhaps even hedge your bets a little. Heralded steel protection in the form of a bunker or panic room could undoubtedly increase your home’s value if ever decide to sell.
“Designed to provide protection in extreme weather events, tornado safe rooms were found to increase the sale price of a home by 3.5 percent (or an average of $4200)—an 84 percent return on a $5000 safe room investment.” Pauline Hammerbeck, Allstate