You may be thinking, “What does a factory in North Carolina know about tornadoes?” While conventional wisdom suggests that engineers a thousand miles away from Tornado Alley wouldn’t understand the complexities of Texas-sized twisters, this couldn’t be further from the truth! Last night, a tornado touched down within miles of our Wilkesboro factory, downing tree limbs before toppling a gas station canopy. Fortunately, no one was injured. U.S. Safe Room is one of the industry’s leading custom manufacturer of tornado shelters and safe rooms. We provide virtually impenetrable aboveground and subterranean bunkers for clients nationwide. Our bustling clientele includes thousands of residential owners looking for venerable protection, as well as Fortune 500 companies. Moreover, our tornado shelters meet the rigorous testing models of the Wind Institute at Texas Tech University – the leading clearinghouse on verifying the structural integrity of tornado shelters.
‘Take Cover Now!’

The National Weather Service was direct in the dire warning for last night’s spring tornado. “To repeat, a tornado is on the ground. TAKE COVER NOW,” said the NWS in a severe weather bulletin. Western North Carolina is known more for snowstorms and late summer frosts, not descending funnel clouds. Without tornado sirens, county emergency management officials flooded the airwaves and phone lines with a rare tornado warning. The storm passed over Ronda, a smaller farming community five miles east of Wilkesboro, at 7:16 p.m. Windspeeds quickly picked up, and tree limbs began to snap as the funnel cloud passed overhead. Although most residents undoubtedly took cover in their bathrooms and basements, at least one brave motorist caught the action on their smartphone before posting to social media. The video shows a loosely woven vortex unfurling from the clouds like a spool of yarn.
Although most storm-chasing shows on National Geographic feature slender straight-line vortexes decimating picturesque Midwestern landscapes, tornadoes come in various sizes and magnitudes. Even a smaller tornado can prove infinitely destructive and powerful if it strikes a densely populated area with a heavy tree line. Although most tornadoes occur in Tornado Alley, no region of the country is immune from tornadoes. Tornadoes have touched down in every US state. Moreover, Tornado Alley is shifting from the Midwest to the Southeast. Southern communities are easy targets for tornadoes. Gentle-rolling hills and thick forests can conceal storms from experienced spotters, leaving little time for residents to take shelter. While most Midwestern tornadoes occur in the early afternoon, southern residents find themselves at in innate disadvantage by the time those storms arrive late at night, leaving them in their most vulnerable state.
Panelized Safe Rooms Offer Superior Protection From Spring Tornadoes
While all tornadoes strike without warning, you can still protect your family and loved ones. Our panelized safe room kits offer superior protection from spring tornadoes and other severe weather events. Furthermore, our panelized kits cost a fraction of solid-weld standalone bunkers without sacrificing strength and protection. With accessible DIY accommodation in mind, we designed our panelized kits to be easily retrofitted into existing home office or bedroom. While most solid-weld shelters occupy an inordinate amount of space, our kits can fit almost anywhere. All you need are a few hand tools to get the job done. We also provide discreet shipping and a straightforward quote process to streamline the installation process. Although most shelter manufacturers have increased pricing in the lead-up to storm season, we’ve cut our prices. Take advantage of our spring sale today!