Hold onto your hats: the 2024 tornado season is ramping up. With the shifting weather patterns of El Nino adding warmer air to the already supercharged Gulf of Mexico, weather experts believe the Deep South and Florida could see a record number of tornadoes. The surge in tornadic activity in southern states is nothing new. During the past several years, meteorologists noticed an uptick in twisters in Alabama and Mississippi. Furthermore, this confirms a growing consensus among scientists that Tornado Alley is shifting further east. Traditionally, Tornado Alley included the Midwest, primarily Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, and more. What they should have expected, however, is the southern trek of the alley to encompass all of Texas now. With storm season throttling into high gear, now is the time to invest in guaranteed steel protection from U.S. Safe Room.
Changing Winds of Time
More than 1,200 tornadoes touch down in the United States annually. Moreover, a busy 2024 tornado season could increase that average if the trend of chaotic weather continues this spring. While most of these destructive storms occur in the Midwest and Deep South, no area of the country is immune from an outbreak. Even more disturbing is the timing of Tornado Season. With warmer air now more consistently infiltrating the Gulf of Mexico, climatologists are having a difficult time delineating the end of one season and the start of the next one. To put their assessment succinctly, storm season never ends, so residents in storm-prone areas should be always vigilant for the prospect of severe weather, even during the winter months. Furthermore, experts say the 2024 tornado season could be particularly troublesome for Louisiana, Florida, and east Texas.
Predicting the 2024 Tornado Season

Predicting Mother Nature is like trying to accurately predict the outcome of the presidential election. We’ll only know the results when the storm season is officially over, bringing a brief, but needed reprieve to storm-weary residents. Although it’s far too early to know for sure, experts say we can expect 1,207 tornadoes this season. While seven more tornadoes than the yearly average might not seem like much, the added total becomes monumental when you consider the average tornado in 2022 caused more than $680,000 in damages. That doesn’t include the emotional trauma inflicted on every survivor left to pick up the pieces from their tattered lives.
Invest in Perennial Steel Protection for Every Storm Season

Storm season is like tax season – it begins with a fury in March and doesn’t discriminate against who it impacts. No one is completely safe from tornadoes. If past storm seasons have taught us anything, it’s that tornadoes can strike anywhere with little to no warning. Although the 2024 tornado season could be one for the record books, it doesn’t mean you have to become yet another statistic. By investing in proven steel protection from U.S. Safe Room, you can ensure your family is ready to ride out any storm. The choice is yours to make. We have a line of panelized steel safe rooms and aboveground storm shelters that can withstand wind-driven projectiles up to 250 miles per hour without so much as flinching. Our line of vaunted storm shelters undergo a line of rigorous testing from the Wind Institute at Texas Tech University to ensure maximum efficiency in protecting your family under high duress without sacrificing structural integrity. Contact us today for a free quote and consultation!