With news of yet another COVID-19 variant emerging in South Africa, many overstressed and tired Americans are wondering ‘When will the COVID-19 Pandemic end?’ Travel bans that are eerily similar to the early stages of last year’s restrictions are already emplace as scientists work feverishly to determine if current vaccines can stop the Omicron variant. The world is collectively holding its breath as virologists work to determine if they can slow the variant’s inevitable spread. Leading epidemiologists agree the pandemic’s culmination will resemble a slow wind-down instead of a climatic finish that we’ve all envisioned. While a final capitulation of this nefarious virus would be fitting for this wartime malaise, a quiet, subtle victory is the far more likely scenario. And with another variant prepared to overburden our already vexed psyches, Americans are also again hunkering down for a protracted battle against COVID-19.
New Strain Presents Unusual Symptoms

While the severity of the disease caused by the new variant remains unclear, many nations have chosen to act proactively to curtail its spread. South African doctors, who are on the frontlines of the new outbreak, have reported their recently infected patients experienced “extremely mild” and “unusual” symptoms. Many of the reported symptoms run the gamut from sore throat to fatigue. Overall, scientists believe the new strain’s symptoms differ from the Delta variant. When examining the true scope of the coronavirus’s impact, we must also consider the compounding psychological effects. The virus’s highly contagious nature has necessitated multiple shutdowns and social distancing. Humans, who are social by nature, require a strong sense of community and fellowship to maintain optimal mental health. The deaths of loved ones and the virus’s cumulative toll have had a profound, demoralizing impact on our collective psyches. Psychological fear of a persistent threat almost always leads to rumination and unease. We understandably seek comfort and reassurance in times of trepidation. With a growing distrust of humanity’s altruistic abilities, such as getting a vaccine and wearing masks, countless citizens are seeking out personal protection. And we aren’t just talking about masks and rubber gloves.
Constant Protection in an Ever-Changing World
Scientists agree: masks and vaccines remain our greatest weapon in fighting the coronavirus. As we continue to ponder, ‘when will the COVID-19 pandemic end?’ we all must accept some inconvenient truths. The virus’s end is still likely still several months away. Secondly, we can’t always count on others to do what’s for the better good of the community. Sometimes, we have to put extra measures in place to protect our loved ones. Viruses aren’t the only existential threats that pose a danger to humanity either. Biologic outbreaks, solar flares, climate change, ecosystem collapse, and a nuclear winter are just a few of the potential cataclysms that threaten our very existence on this planet. We know what you’re thinking. Isn’t this fear mongering? What are the chances of these threats, if any, coming to fruition? We understand your logic. In reality, the chances of any of these dangers coming true remain relatively small. The same, however, can be said for this novel coronavirus’s ecological spillover in China. While human encroachment into delicate ecosystem made a worldwide pandemic seemingly inevitable, millions of people worldwide didn’t foresee it happening within their lifetimes. Unfortunately, our world is the victim of hindsight as we are still reeling from the virus’s fallout and effects.

Every threat that we face is different and requires unique methods of protection. Masks and rubber gloves, for example, would likely do very little in the event of a nuclear bomb or even a home invasion. If a brazen thief is willing to risk life and limb for a few possessions in our house, we seriously doubt he’s overly concerned with social distancing. Other safeguards might seem like overkill against relatively benign threats. But not every contingency plan can address every possible threat or mitigation against unforeseeable fallout. Fortunately, civil unrest was kept at a minimal during this ongoing pandemic, but the same may not be said for future worldwide emergencies. Human nature is just as unpredictable as the threats we face. Mass hysteria and hoarding often supersede logic and foresight in planning. Everyone should have a plan in place to not only ride out potential catastrophes, but the fallout that follows every disaster. Instead of fixating on when the COVD-19 pandemic end? step back and take stock of what is important and the best way of protecting what matters most.
Steel Panelized Safe Rooms Can Weather Any Storm

A U.S. Safe Room® Bolt-Together Safe Room Kit features easy-to-install modular steel panels that can be fitted to closet space, or simply convert a part of any larger room into a fully secured safe room tornado shelter, storm safe, or multi-use safety storage. Create a safe room wherever is most convenient for you and your family. Easily convert a room or a corner of your garage without costly construction. Rather than having to transport an entire safe room pre-assembled, our custom safe room kits break down into lightweight panels and parts. These part kits can easily be palletized and transported by truck for maximum convenience and confidentiality. Upon arrival, you may opt to install the panels yourself or have them installed by one of our professionals. The panelized design allows you to move a full-size safe room into any room through most hallways and passageways where other safe rooms would not normally be able to installed without extreme demolition and construction. Perfect for any room in your home, make a secure closet in an existing pace, or put one in your garage to ensure safety for your family and belongings.
Instead of asking, When Will the COVID-19 Pandemic End? Ask yourself how you can better protect your family.
Modular Safe Room Features and Benefits
- Customized steel panels can retrofit any room
- Panels come in single units and are lightweight
- Installed by a professional or by you
- Protection against burglary
- Protection against natural disasters
- Protection for your valuables
- Discreet and easy to install
- Save the lives of loved ones, employees, and coworkers
- Peace of mind