If a tornado can happen in Vermont, it can happen anywhere. Vermont hasn’t seen such long-winded appeals since Bernie Sanders. All jokes aside, a very serious situation unfolded in the Green Mountain State that underscores the fact that no location or topography is truly immune from the powerful effects of killer tornadoes. Although the tornado was small and damage was minimal, the sinister and iconic funnel that descended from the towering skies above sent shivers of terror down the spines of concerned townspeople. Fortunately, the tornado traveled only a mile and the only building that was damaged was a detached garage. The results could’ve been far more dire had this tightly would vortex impacted a more densely populated community. U.S. Safe Room’s tornado storm shelters have passed rigorous testing and are up to the task of protecting your family from both smaller storms and Texas sized tornadoes.
Below Ground Storm Shelters can unearth a mountain of protection

Some of the most formidable shelters remain below ground models. While it’s true that you need a little more elbow grease to make one of these shelters a reality, they remain an industry standard as a heavy duty tornado storm shelter. Like their above ground counterparts, these below ground models are fully welded and offer protection for families of all sizes. These fully welded units come with below-ground staircase entry or optional overhead hatch with ladder. For additional security, a secondary escape hatch can be added as an alternate entry point. Our storm shelters and tornado safe rooms are fully customizable, and the floor plans shown here are just one variation of what you can do with your storm room. In truth, you can create anything with your storm safe room, such as a media room or home gym. Even the dimensions of the floor plan are up to you and what fits your lifestyle.
Before last Friday’s tornado, Vermont hasn’t seen a tornado since 2019. An overblown barrel, a sideswiped car and removed shingles topped the list of casualties from Friday’s storm. Damage from the latest twister looks like toppled lawn furniture compared to some the damage wrought by storms in Texas and Oklahoma. From a historical perspective, only 46 tornadoes have touched down in Vermont since 1950. We know what you’re thinking. Those are actually pretty good survival odds. Why should you purchase a tornado storm shelter when the odds of actually using it are pretty low. That’s a good question. We could ask the same about homeowner’s insurance that protects against fires and floods. Chances are, you’ll never need it, but doesn’t it feel good knowing that you have protection against the unexpected? And a tornado storm shelter is more valuable than an insurance policy. While valuables and possessions can be replaced, the same cannot be said for the lives of your family.
Modular safe rooms can be easily retrofitted into any home and preconceived mindsets concerning tornadoes
Even weak tornadoes can cause widespread destruction and death. Smaller tornadoes that barely qualify for classification on the EF scale should not be underestimated. These twisters can still cause wayward tree limbs to snap and cause serious injuries to those below or within their homes. For those seeking a more sleek and discrete selection, consider our panelized safe rooms which make terrific tornado storm shelters. A U.S. Safe Room® Bolt-Together Safe Room Kit features easy-to-install modular steel panels that can be fitted to closet space, or simply convert a part of any larger room into a fully secured safe room tornado shelter, storm safe, or multi-use safety storage. Create a safe room wherever is most convenient for you and your family. The assurance of safety and security is more valuable than insurance that only help once something bad has happened. We would rather keep something bad from happening to begin with!
Easily convert a room or a corner of your garage without costly construction. Rather than having to transport an entire safe room pre-assembled, our custom safe room kits break down into lightweight panels and parts. These part kits can easily be palletized and transported by truck for maximum convenience and confidentiality. Upon arrival, you may opt to install the panels yourself or have them installed by one of our professionals. The panelized design allows you to move a full-size safe room into any room through most hallways and passageways where other safe rooms would not normally be able to installed without extreme demolition and construction. Perfect for any room in your home, make a secure closet in an existing pace, or put one in your garage to ensure safety for your family and belongings.