Small Actions Have a Big Effect Combined
There are tons of little things you can do to prevent home break-ins and invasions. Each one helps, and if you do all of the above, the chances of someone targeting your home are very slim. We’ll go over a few of the things you can do, but feel free to do more independent research! There’s tons of information out there than can help you!
Home Invasion Prevention Tips
- Install an alarm system. Alarm systems don’t just help you know if there’s been a breach; an alarm system can deter potential criminals from attempting your home. Add a sign to your yard (usually provided by the alarm system company) which serves as a warning to potential intruders.
- Add sharp plants or shrubs underneath your windows. Adding large, thorny, or sharp plants to the perimeter of your home will discourage break-ins through the windows. Nobody wants to climb through and over thorns.
- Get a dog! Not only are dogs great friends, they are fierce protectors. Criminals usually do not want to get in a physical brawl with a canine since they are so deadly. A dogs bark is usually enough to convince an invader to leave.
- Add structural support to your doors and windows. Contact a professional door and window installer to evaluate options. Reinforced framing on doors, for example, makes them difficult to break down.
- Add a wide-angle peep hole and perimeter cameras. If you can see who is at your front door and around your house, you’ll have a better opportunity to react if it’s someone dangerous. Similar to an alarm system, visible cameras and a sign will also help to discourage theft.
- Add a panic room or safe room. Storing valuables in a safe room can also deter crime, especially if an area is known to have safe rooms installed in most homes. It’s also a fallback option that could save you and your family’s lives. One of our special modular safe rooms is a fantastic option if you want a safe room in a special, convenient place, like the closet for your child’s bedroom.
Outfit a room in your home with steel panels to save the lives of loved ones.

Peace of Mind with US Safe Room
We want to provide you with the ultimate life protection products and information. Our goal is to not just provide you with safe rooms, but with information that you can leverage for your family’s and community’s safety. If you follow these tips and install a safe room in your home, the odds of you surviving a home break-in or other tragic event increase drastically. Give us a call at (828) 355-7155, and to receive more information like this, like us on Google+!