Shelter is a basic human commodity that no one should go without due to financial constraints. Several Alabama lawmakers agree and recently introduced legislation to offset the costs of constructing storm shelters. Beginning this January, all Alabama homeowners will be eligible for a $3,000 storm shelter tax credit. While the tax credit is unlikely to foot initial costs, it will allow homeowners to recoup some of their investment through tax savings. The credit is good for up to 50 percent of the cost up to $3,000. The credit is not retroactive and cannot be used for shelters constructed prior to January 2022.
For questions about documentation for the storm shelter tax credit, contact Alabama Emergency Management Agency at 205-280-2200. For questions about processing the storm shelter tax credit, contact the Alabama Department of Revenue Individual Income Tax at 334-242-1170 Option #1.

Shelter Requirements to Receive Tax Credit
The requirements to receive the tax credit remain straight forward and simple. All prospective shelters must be FEMA approved and capable of withstanding an EF-5 tornado and must be built on the homeowner’s property. U.S. Safe Room has engineered a line of aboveground and belowground storm shelters to meet these exact specifications. Every U.S. Safe Room® features premium, Made In The USA steel construction with solid plate 1/4″ steel. Our safe rooms are customizable from a small 4×6 shelter up to a community shelter that can safeguard one hundred people. These structures are hand-welded and feature secure multi-point locking doors with many unique door and interior finishing options available.
The storm shelter tax credit shall equal three thousand dollars ($3,000) or 50 percent of the total cost of the construction, acquisition, and installation of the qualified storm shelter at the primary residence, whichever is less. The total costs for purposes of the tax credit calculation under this subsection shall exclude any costs reimbursed or expected to be reimbursed by any other entity including, but not limited to, insurance reimbursements, grants, or other government subsidies or incentives. The tax credit must be taken in the tax year in which the taxpayer was issued a tax credit certificate.
Above Ground Safe Room Features and Benefits
- Customizable to any size, to accommodate any number of people
- Quick construction and cost-effective installation
- Units can be installed by a professional or D.I.Y.
- Provides Protection against burglary
- Provides Protection against natural disasters
- Provides Protection for your valuables
- Provides Protection for family, neighbors, employees, and coworkers
- Peace of mind
Designed, engineered, and manufactured to FEMA 320, FEMA 361, and ICC 500 Standards. Our storm shelters were tested and certified by Texas Tech National Wind Institute in strict accordance to FEMA 320 (2014), FEMA 361 (2015), and ICC-500 (2014) standards for wind rated impact of 250 mph ground speed tornado events.