The First Step is Having a Secure Safe Room
You need to have a secure place to go in the case of an emergency. Install one of our certified, secure, and reliable safe rooms in your home to begin the prepping process. A safe room will protect you and your family, but that isn’t all! It will also keep secure your prepping items. Install shelving, storage, and a gun safe for optimal preparedness organization, which could be the key between life and death. You can do a “test” by laying down in the safe room where you’d lay in case of an emergency, and see where you can reach to from that position. Place the items that are most important to survival in areas you can reach from that position, just in case you become stuck, immobile, or injured. For example, place food, water, and a whistle in the easy to reach areas.
Fill out your U.S. Safe Room® with relevant prepping materials to your needs.

We have a wealth of other prepping information available. Check out our guides on First Aid Kits, Water Storage, and Food Storage. Those are good places to start when prepping your safe room. However, disaster preparedness is done on an individual level. Your needs are different than other people’s, so you will have to customize your prepping efforts for your own sustainability. Some items that should be considered when prepping your safe room are:
- Crank radio
- Pet food and water for any pets
- Go bag, filled with any essential items in case you need to leave immediately
- First aid items, water storage, food storage
- Bleach to sterilize water (research proper water sterilization methods)
- Underwear, socks, and shirts (pants are not as important, if space is limited)
These are just a few of the many items you should consider, along with any guns, security systems, and other safety measures you may want. At US Safe Room, we want to provide you with the products and the knowledge to build a safe home for you and your family. Please follow us on Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn for more survival information and tips.