America’s list of adversaries is growing. Old nemesis, like Russia and China, continue to pose a threat to international security. North Korea’s bellicose attitude in flaunting its nuclear capabilities is downright concerning. Rogue states have also expressed their interest in acquiring a nuclear bomb as diplomatic leverage. America isn’t the only ‘big gun’ on the block these days. Could you imagine what would happen if a terrorist organization, such as ISIS, were to get their hands on a nuclear device or dirty bomb? As nuclear proliferation continues to threaten America’s fragile security, investing in a nuclear bomb fallout shelter can restore your peace of mind and entrench that empowering sense of autonomy in knowing that you can protect what matters most.
Are we headed for another Cold War?

Since the end of WWII, America has lived in fear of nuclear annihilation. These fears are well-grounded, too. Experts predict that there is a slight chance that humanity will succumb to nuclear destruction by the end of this century. There is also a 30 percent chance that more than 1 million people will die from a nuclear blast. We’re not trying to scare you with all these ‘Doomsday’ scenarios, but the threat of nuclear war grows annually. As China emerges as the world’s next superpower, the United States will be certainly be challenged as the most powerful nation in the world. Needless to say, we could be very well headed for another ‘Cold War.’ And like the 1960s and 70s, the threat of nuclear war is sure to grow at an alarming rate.
NBC Air Filtration System Can Protection Your Family From Airborne Toxins
A direct blast from a nuclear bomb isn’t even the least of your worries. The fallout from a nuclear strike will be immense. Fallout is the residual radioactive material that pollutes the surrounding blast zone following an attack. Keeping true to its name, this poisonous material “falls” from the sky following the detonation of a nuclear bomb. This swath of potential destruction could spread for miles and last for days. Residual affects from exposure to nuclear fallout are immense and could affect the health of the local populace for decades to come. A NBC filtration system for a U.S. Safe Room underground bunker can prevent airborne agents and potential toxins from invading your shelter. These systems blow out air to ensure the internal pressure of your underground shelter is higher than what’s outside. Our NBC filtration systems are a must for anyone considering protection from nuclear fallout or biological warfare.

All The Comforts of Above. Nuclear Bomb Fallout Shelters Are Made for The Long Haul
In the event of a nuclear blast, you could find yourself belowground for several days, if not weeks. As you can tell from our detailed floorplans, a nuclear bomb fallout shelter can be retrofitted or designed to include all the creature comforts from your home. Our underground bunkers are customizeable, so they can accommodate both small families or large groups or people, such as for schools and churches. Battery powered backups for underground bunkers will keep the lights on for an extended period of time and a water filtration system can make your stay belowground all the more tolerable. When not in use, our nuclear bomb fallout shelters also make the perfect game room or ‘man cave.’