March 2020 feels like a distant memory, but not so long ago the world felt as if it was coming to an abrupt end. As the COVID19 pandemic reached American shores, frayed nerves prevailed. People flocked to local super markets and wholesale suppliers to stockpile on food and copious amounts of toilet paper. Neighbors were suddenly not so neighborly as the “me first” mentality obfuscated our typical good natured personalities. Gun sales sored as a record 17 million Americans bought firearms during the ongoing pandemic. The proverbial zombie apocalypse had arrived and America was woefully unprepared. To ease these helpless underpinnings, a renewed interest in pandemic prepping was once again sweeping the nation. Above-ground safe rooms have emerged as a welcomed complement to the wealth of knowledge emerging on the topic of pandemic prepping.
More than 25 percent of Americans haven’t taken any steps to prepare for a natural disaster, such as a viral pandemic

By the time the pandemic gripped our nation, many grocery store shelves had become empty as overzealous preppers stockpiled essential goods. Storing dry goods in a panelized safe room or above-ground shelter can keep help sustain your family during uncertain times.
If the COVID19 pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that we are ill-prepared for the next catastrophe. U.S. Safe Room can help reverse this trend with an above ground safe room. To help you rest a little easier at night, we’ve engineered a line of formidable safe rooms and bunkers. Our panelized safe rooms are pandemic ready. They can be discretely delivered and installed in your home or office’s existing infrastructure. Only your loved ones will know where the safe room is located. All you need is a little elbow room to seamlessly install one of our panelized kits. We’ve even seen some home owners convert closets and hallway spaces into safe rooms and survival shelters. Don’t have enough space within your home’s existing floorplan? Don’t fret. Easily fasten an above ground safe room to exterior concrete pad for superior protection.

Panelized safe rooms can protect loved ones from civil unrest and unpredictable tornadoes
The term pandemic prepping gets a bad name. Despite contrived media portrayals, preppers are some of our smartest citizens. Although they’ve received a bad rap in recent years, doomsday preppers have the foresight and fortitude to weather any storm. By monitoring trends of social unrest and sporadic weather patterns, they have emerged as our intrepid warriors of preparedness. They’re no strangers to pandemic prepping either. Above ground safe rooms have become a favorite for those who want to keep their families safe and protected. Our safe rooms are an affordable way to hedge your bets against the unexpected. Our storm shelters were tested and certified by Texas Tech National Wind Institute in strict accordance to FEMA. While it’s true that we never know what life might have in store for us, we can take control of our own destinies with a little foresight and protection.