As Hurricane Laura continues to churn through the nation’s beleaguered heartland, a wide swath destruction has epitomized how truly catastrophic the residual effects of a hurricane can be. Unprecedented winds of 150 miles per hour shattered windows in high rise towers, injuring several onlookers below before bellowing the landscape with such intensity that rendered several streets and neighborhoods virtually unrecognizable. Storm surge inundated city streets in Lake Charles, Louisiana, as the storm pressed inland, unleashing a tertiary attack of tornadoes and wind gusts in northeast Arkansas, that toppled and tossed mobile homes as if they were children’s toys. Salvation of any kind was hard to find in Laura’s wake as the roof of a church in Jonesboro, Arkansas was peeled away with such force that only the wooden rafters remained intact. Exacerbating the torment was a chemical leak and subsequent fire that sent a black plume of smoke skyward in the West Lake area. Mother Nature is truly unpredictable, but FEMA and ICC-500 Certified storm rooms could mean the difference between life and death for those in harm’s way.
We won’t know a definitive measure of the damage for days or weeks to come, but it’s safe to safe that Laura has left a blemish upon the Gulf States and our collective national psyche that won’t be soon erased. Although it’s heart rendering to watch this destruction unravel in real time, there isn’t much that we can do to alleviate the pain and suffering inflicted upon those who lived through this historic storm. Such a feeling of helplessness can cause us to question our own mortality as well as to reevaluate the safety and durability of our homes in withstanding a similar natural disaster.
U.S. Safe Room offers unrivaled refuge from destructive storms
U.S. Safe Room can restore your peace of mind and strengthen your resolve to withstand with our highly engineered steel line of safe rooms and storm shelters that offer unmitigated protection from nature’s fury. At U.S. Safe Room, we understand that to be the best, you have to test your product’s metal, as well as metal, with a gauntlet of wind and projectile tests to prove we are up to the task at protecting your family. We don’t shy away from such incursions. Your safety is depending on our commitment to producing the highest quality safe rooms and storm shelters. We’ve gone as far as to even hurl two-by-fours and chunks of debris at our safe rooms to ensure that nothing can pass our steel doors because at the end of the day, your guaranteed safety depends on our engineers’ abilities to anticipate and meet all threats.
FEMA and ICC-500 Certified storm rooms can offer protection from both hurricanes and tornadoes

FEMA and ICC-500 Certified storm rooms would be ideal in riding out hurricanes that require lengthy stays in shelter, as well as sudden retreats in the face of tornadic activity. A U.S. Safe Room® Bolt-Together Safe Room Kit features easy-to-install modular steel panels that can be fitted to closet space, or simply convert a part of any larger room into a fully secured safe room tornado shelter, storm safe, or multi-use safety storage. Create a safe room wherever is most convenient for you and your family. The assurance of safety and security is more valuable than insurance that only help once something bad has happened. We would rather keep something bad from happening to begin with!
Easily convert a room or a corner of your garage without costly construction. Rather than having to transport an entire safe room pre-assembled, our custom safe room kits break down into lightweight panels and parts. These part kits can easily be palletized and transported by truck for maximum convenience and confidentiality. Upon arrival, you may opt to install the panels yourself or have them installed by one of our professionals.