Home should be your refuge from the outside world. From the moment we leave the front door, we wistfully dream of the moment we return home. While the friendly confines of the home give us ample excuses to retreat to our comfy beds instead of a night out in town, for many, home can feel more like a prison, especially for those living alone. Humans are social creatures by nature. Even introverted homebodies crave interaction with other warm-bodied creatures when they’re not stuck at work. It’s an evolutionary constraint. Separation from the pack meant almost certain death during humanity’s hunter-gatherer tribesmen days. Although we’ve mostly outgrown our primal brains, separation anxiety, and isolation can make us question if we feel safe.
Restoring Safe Feelings at Home
How do you feel the moment you step foot inside your home? Are you flooded with a feeling of relief or dread? Taking stock of your home’s environment can instill a sense of control, which is crucial to overcoming anxiety at home. Assuaging homebound anxieties will help you unwind after a busy day at the office while relieving lingering insomnia effects, which are typical for those living alone. Achieving Feng shui by reorienting home furnishings to promote openness and balance in residence can restore security and productivity. Adopting a furry four-legged friend from the local animal shelter might give you a renewed sense of purpose and companionship.
Securing the Perimeter

While it’s tempting to dole out cash for pricier electronics and status purchases, you should prioritize your physical safety instead. Residual home anxieties could stem from a lack of basic safety precautions. Double-checking your doors, windows, locks, and fire and smoke alarm detectors should give you a quick, reassuring feeling. Home invasions are on a nation-upswing. At least one burglary is reported in the United States every 26 seconds. Although the conventional wisdom of logical deducing you might fall victim to this unsettling statistic to be slim to none, the growing frequency of burglaries is still troubling. Furthermore, did you know homes without a security system are more than 300 percent more likely be burglarized? But even the most trusted anti-theft system could give you a false sense of security, leading otherwise zealous homeowners to lower their guard, allowing for temporary lapses in judgment with catastrophic results.
Staying Safe at Home With a Panelized Safe Room

Although double-bolt doors and secured windows will deter rookie crooks, determined and seasoned criminals will find loopholes in even the most fortified systems. Your home and well-being deserve a steel solution – your life depends on it. Our panelized safe room kits can be easily retrofitted into any home office, bedroom, or closet. Each safe room kit comprises superior steel-gauge paneling, making them virtually impervious to burglaries and severe weather. Although conniving assailants will always pose the most harm to your safety, Mother Nature is quickly ascending the list of threats. Tornado Alley is widening to include the entire southeast, and almost every community will fall under a Tornado Watch this summer. Take charge of your safety. Invest in a guaranteed steel solution. Contact us today for a free quote and consultation!