Our children are our most important asset. We would do anything to protect them from potential threats. Unlike previous generations who enjoyed relative comfort under rapid economic expansion and stability, today’ youth are facing unprecedented danger. And that list of threats is only growing. New and disturbing incursions into our schoolhouses are setting the standard for American normalcy. But before the COVID outbreak, there was another pandemic that dominated the headlines: school shootings. America couldn’t go more than a week without coming to terms with the startling reality that are our school houses are the nation’s new front lines in combating domestic violence. A community safe room can help protect our most vulnerable assets.
There was once a time when schools were a safe haven for children of all ages. We could send them to the bus stops without second guessing their safety and well-being. Now, the hearts of every parent skip a collective beat every time that we hear a report of a new shooting. And it seems as if the death tolls will only continue to grow as our hapless elected officials struggle to return normalcy and safety to the classroom. But it’s not just crazed shooters or gun violence that we have to worry about. Climate change has increased the frequency and magnitude of dangerous tornadoes in nearly every corner of the nation. Storm season continues to grow as if one season seamlessly rolls into the next with little time for recovery. In January, a tornado destroyed a school in South Carolina in under a minute. Fortunately, the storm passed through at night, so no one was injured. The outcome would’ve been different if the tornado had touched down only a few hours earlier.
Community safe rooms, bomb shelters and tornado shelters can keep children safe

Regardless of which side of the political spectrum that best resonates with your ideology, there is little we can do to alter the mindsets of potential shooters. What we can do, however, is be proactive in offering superior steel protection in our classrooms. U.S. Safe Room has heeded this call by engineering cusomizable steel community safe rooms for that can accommodate large populations, including school classrooms.
Above Ground Tornado Safe Community Shelters have many applications from protecting employees and customers for both small business and large corporations. These shelters are wind tested and storm rated for high-wind speed impacts in up to 250MPH ground speed EF-5 Tornados. Don’t risk your business or commercial enterprise to chance when a tornado shelter can truly save lives. Research has shown that active shooters are far less likely to continue to try gain entry into a locked or secured room of shelter and will instead try to maximize their time by simply going on to the next room or hallway.
Tornado Safe Community Shelter
- EF-5 250 MPH Wind Tested and Approved Design
- Encased in solid steel with industrial steel structural framing for maximum protection
- Customizable for any of your needs and number of persons you plan to protect
- Risk management for schools, towns, businesses, and remote construction sites
- Versatile uses include warm-up and cool down rooms with Power and Climate Control
- Easy Accessibility to safe Tornado and severe weather for large groups
- Restroom options with Chemical Toilet or Plumbing for Emergency Planning
- Turn-key installation available
Community safe rooms and tornado shelters are easily installed with minimal disturbance to school structure or foundation
While the timing may not seem ideal, the continuing COVID pandemic is the ideal time to install a large community shelter in a school or community center. Every contractor knows that summer months or after hours are the best time to make necessary repairs or improvements to school infrastructure. Vacant school houses of facilities with reduced enrollment due to the ongoing pandemic, would give installers plenty of time and elbow room to install a community shelter of safe room into school houses.