Imagine the following scenario: Upbeat Christmas music plays on a school’s PA system while masked students take shelter in the hallway as tornado sirens blare in the distance. Students huddle together and tremble in fear as their teachers do everything in their power to reassure them. Simultaneously, the school’s robocall system sends out an automated message to parents to inform them of the impending chaos unfolding at their child’s school. As if these students didn’t have enough to worry about during a worldwide pandemic, they must now spend the next few harrowing moments in fear at the one place they were supposed to be safe, no matter the threat. With a just a moment’s notice, hundreds of students at this Cape Cod school found themselves in the throes of chaos as they scrambled for protection from a tornado that was picked up on the weather service’s Doppler radar. Don’t risk your child’s safety from a killer tornado. Contact U.S. Safe Room today!
Fortunately, the storm passed over the school and the students were allowed to return to class unscathed, albeit a little rattled. Had even a small tornado touched down on the northeastern school, the results could’ve been far ghastlier. While the school’s hallways are an adequate impromptu shelter, this type of makeshift shelter is far from superior in protecting society’s most vulnerable population. Hallways can easily be transformed into wind tunnels filled with debris and broken glass. These large unprotected corridors can also create prevailing feelings of confusion and fear as the elongated nature of hallways can leave students feeling disconnected and separate from their teachers and peers. Students can also become lost and unaccounted for in the frenzy of seeking protection in hallways and corridors.
Tornado Community Shelters Can Protect Children and Teachers From a killer tornado
As you can tell from the above video, large locking door and double-pane windows do little to slow down monstrous tornados. Thick concrete walls re-enforced with rebar did little in preventing this storm from creating a vacuum of debris and destruction. The tornado’s permeating winds were able to lash about freely within the school. Imagine what would’ve happened had school been in session when this storm hit. U.S. Safe Room has a line of customizable community shelters that can fit large student bodies and teachers. These units can be easily installed and implemented into a centralized location at your child’s school for easy accessibility. School officials can then hold routine tornado drills to instruct students how to move to the shelter in an orderly in the event of a killer tornado.

Tornado Safe Community Shelter
- EF-5 250 MPH Wind Tested and Approved Design
- Encased in solid steel with industrial steel structural framing for maximum protection
- Customizable for any of your needs and number of persons you plan to protect
- Risk management for schools, towns, businesses, and remote construction sites
- Versatile uses include warm-up and cool down rooms with Power and Climate Control
- Easy Accessibility to safe Tornado and severe weather for large groups
- Restroom options with Chemical Toilet or Plumbing for Emergency Planning
- Turn-key installation available
Designed, engineered, and manufactured to FEMA 320, FEMA 361, and ICC 500 Standards. Our storm shelters were tested and certified by Texas Tech National Wind Institute in strict accordance to FEMA 320 (2014), FEMA 361 (2015), and ICC-500 (2014) standards for wind rated impact of 250 mph ground speed tornado events.