Despite what your favorite TikTok pseudo climate scientist might tell you, the government cannot control the weather. As and industry-leading information source for extreme weather mitigation, we never thought we would feel compelled to type what was once an asinine or pandering statement, but here we are in the Age of Misinformation. While basic meteorological concepts were once considered gospel for foundational grade school science classes, malicious and outright sinister lies are being spread following an above-average hurricane season that has left hundreds dead across the southeast. And what’s worse, a surprisingly number of otherwise level-headed Americans believe them. Bizarre conspiracy theories about the federal government seizing towns for clandestine mining operations, cloud seeding, and the ignominious FEMA death camp theory are undermining rescue operations by discouraging destitute storm-stricken residents from seeking help in their time of need. Meteorologists are also receiving death threats for allegedly being in cahoots with Democrats supposedly transfixed on geoengineering hurricanes to steal electoral votes in the Deep South although that region has always received the business end of continental tropical disasters.
Cloud Seeding Doesn’t Work

Looking to monetize their harebrained conspiracy theories through social media’s profit-sharing content model, disingenuous social media influencers and nascent propagandists latched onto once a dormant outlandish claim that our military could steer hurricanes through cloud seeding. While our government intermittently experimented with silver iodide cloud seeding from the 1940s to 1971, the results were largely inconclusive with most scientists concluding any perceived changes to the storms’ trajectory from the operation occurred before aerial intervention from man. Like the sudden influx of amateur virologists propagating unfounded COVID-19 conspiracies, these online self-proclaimed experts reemerged as ” amateur meteorologists” as they wielded widely available studies from previous government boondoggles to corroborate theories that hurricanes Helene and Milton were inside jobs.
The most obstinate commenters posted patent screenshots and conveniently cropped studies in comment sections to vainly claim credit for uncovering a weather cabal bent on world domination through weather manipulation. Although the overzealous wannabe weathermen steadfastly defended their obscure postulations, they conveniently left out the studies’ conclusions because that would contradict their haphazardly assembled meteorological constructs. Also, why would the government divulge top secret weather tech at the local patent office. That’s like the Project Manhattan scientists scrambling to file a patent for the atomic bomb before unleashing hellish infernos in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Furthermore, less than 5 percent of all patents make it off the drawing board and into the development. Again, these clout chasing sycophants conveniently ignored the cold hard facts for shares and likes while indulging in malicious, yet salient claims.
‘It’s the Climate, Dummy’

Spouting off crazy, nonsensical conspiracy theories was once left to our crazy uncle still living in grandma’s basement, but a growing number of fact fraudulent claims have become mainstream. Regional news teams are left diverting precious airtime from potentially lifesaving storm information to address these digital lies to quell the nervous energy exacerbating an unusually strong hurricane season. Still, why is the government control weather theory so attractive to a literate public? Conspiracy theories thrive because they’re convenient. and who doesn’t like a good story? Blatant meteorological lies are the Micky D’s of a fact-based diet, and the drive-thru is backed up to the Information Highway. Allowing our voracious data driven minds to consume nothing but empty calorie conspiracy theories leave our weak brains malleable to the next digital snake oil salesman peddling a Supersized meal of lies. They present a simple solution to a complex phenomenon that takes time to research and comprehend, and in the end, conspiracy theories are just lazy coping mechanisms to hide the real boogeyman stalking humanity’s every move: Climate Change.
Government Control Weather Conspiracy Theories Hide Real Danger

Polarizing conspiracy theories aren’t just annoying, they’re outright dangerous. Time wasted going down the rabbit hole could be better spent staying abreast of rapidly changing weather conditions that impact our immediate safety. Millions of Americans err in associating hurricane categories with degrees of danger and destruction. Hurricane categories are based on sustained wind speeds. While gale force winds can damage unaffixed property and down power lines along with free-falling trees, storm surges and flooding claim more lives than any other hurricane hazard. Hurricanes can also produce off-shooting tornadoes in their outer bands, adding an extra level of danger to the carnage. Four St. Lucie County, Fl. residents are dead following multiple tornadoes that spun off during Hurricane Milton. Florida authorities are expecting further tornado-related fatalities as they commence recovery operations following Milton’s departure. Our aboveground safe rooms and tornado shelters can provide unparalleled protection from strong hurricanes and residual tornadoes. Protect what matters most: your peace of mind and family from natural disasters and dangerous misinformation.