The onslaught of the 2019 tornado season continues as it was recently announced by FEMA officials that federal assistance for the Dayton Memorial Day twister outbreak will cease in the coming days. Killer storms have become a fact of life that we must contend with on a daily basis.
Instead of a day to reflect upon the lives of the soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation, residents of this tightly knit Ohio town will forever have horrific images of battered residences and businesses seared into their minds when the anniversary of the worst tornadic outbreak approaches.
Stronger storms demand stronger, 250 wind speed certified units
In a span of less than 12 hours, an unfathomable 21 tornadoes desolated Ohio on Memorial Day night through the next morning. Unbelievably, one of those killer storms registered as an EF-4 tornado, which is only one rung below the highest category of storms.
Adding to the undue suffering is the recent announcement that federal assistance is quickly vanishing, and authorities are urging residents to seek compensation now before it’s too late. Funds from federal authorities can be used for making necessary home repairs although many residents have lamented the funds are a far cry from sufficient and have since sought other avenues for reimbursement.
“Don’t disqualify yourself,” said Susan Jensen, a FEMA Recovery Division senior emergency management specialist. “The registration period ends Sept. 3. At that point our assistance is not available anymore.”
Source: Dayton Daily News
Steel encased bunkers can weather killer storms
Killer storms are an unfortunate reality that will never relinquish its hold of terror on the American people. With climate change dictating an elongated tornado season, it appears the only recourse for those living in harm’s way is to seek protection. Short of a metal super structure, little to nothing can be done to prevent a tornado from damaging or destroying your home. Fortunately, control of the situation is not out of your hands.
To completely avoid the whirlwind of destruction that accompanies these killer storms, consider our steel encased underground bunkers. While there are few guarantees in life, we feel that our customizable steel bunkers can ride out any storm. What’s even better? You don’t have to sacrifice comfort in the event that you have to ride out a storm for several hours as these cozy confines can easily resemble your living room or bedroom quarters with the right touch of personalization.
Underground Bunker Features and Benefits
- Encased in steel for maximum protection
- Customizable for any of your needs
- Peace of mind that you and your family have a fallback option
- Versatile uses include home gym, office, or media room
- Accessibility from the safety of your home
- Can be prepped for extended periods of stay without sacrificing quality of life
- Our design and installation team will do all the heavy lifting for you
- Protection against environmental forces, and even burglary
- Storage of valuables and other heirloom