While spring is still several weeks away, the threat of severe weather and violent tornadoes remains a constant threat for the southeast. The Weather Channel is forecasting the potential for severe weather in central Florida for the next several days. Further the up the eastern seaboard, the threat of icy and snowy conditions prevail as the mid Atlantic states brace for another round winter weather. America is melting pot of severe weather and killer storms. Climate change has also led to an increase in violent storms and the nation has taken note. To mitigate the threat of chaotic weather patterns, a Tennessee school system has secured a FEMA grant to help pay for a basketball arena that will double as a tornado shelter.
Fayetteville High School Athletic Director Eddie Keys was looking to renovate the school’s basketball arena when an idea dawned upon him. ‘Why not invest in a reinforced steel structure that could also serve as a tornado shelter than can withstand 250 mile per hour windspeeds?” He had seen other schools use a dome-style stadium that created not only a big league gameday feel, but also provided adequate protection for students in the event of a tornado. So Keys began the application process without delay. He reached out to the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency, who put him in touch with FEMA. After a short application process, FEMA agreed to pay 75 percent of the tornado shelter’s total costs.
FEMA could help pay for residential panelized kit and community shelters

Keys’ story is not unique. FEMA helps foot the bill for storm rooms and tornado shelters throughout the United States. They recently kicked off an intense outreach program for residents who live in Texas, Ohio and other storm prone areas. Customers of U.S. Safe Room have also taken advantage of the unique savings opportunity to subsidize this must-have home extension. Although it is unlikely that FEMA will foot the entire cost of the safe room and installation, it can mean the difference in affordability and being forced to weather the storm unprotected for so many residents.
FEMA grants are also an ideal way to pay for larger community shelters, which can easily cost an excess of $100,000. Community members often band together to help foot the costs for communal shelters for schools and neighborhoods. It’s an effective method of securing protection without draining your entire bank account. FEMA is just another resource that beleaguered residents are turning to find suitable protection.
Above Ground Tornado Safe Community Shelters have many applications from protecting employees and customers for both small business and large corporations. These shelters are wind tested and storm rated for high-wind speed impacts in up to 250MPH ground speed EF-5 Tornados. Don’t risk your business or commercial enterprise to chance when a tornado shelter can truly save lives.
Tornado Safe Community Shelter
- EF-5 250 MPH Wind Tested and Approved Design
- Encased in solid steel with industrial steel structural framing for maximum protection
- Customizable for any of your needs and number of persons you plan to protect
- Risk management for schools, towns, businesses, and remote construction sites
- Versatile uses include warm-up and cool down rooms with Power and Climate Control
- Easy Accessibility to safe Tornado and severe weather for large groups
- Restroom options with Chemical Toilet or Plumbing for Emergency Planning
- Turn-key installation available
Designed, engineered, and manufactured to FEMA 320, FEMA 361, and ICC 500 Standards. Our storm shelters were tested and certified by Texas Tech National Wind Institute in strict accordance to FEMA 320 (2014), FEMA 361 (2015), and ICC-500 (2014) standards for wind rated impact of 250 mph ground speed tornado events.