While most people think of pumpkin carving and traipsing through corn mazes during fall, a more sinister threat might lurking in the darkened skies of Autumn. And no, we aren’t talking about Michael Myers or Freddie Kruger. Although cooler temperatures can reduce the chances of severe weather during cooler months, the threat can still persist down south. Like spring, fall is known as a “battleground” season for cooler and warmer air competing in the same space. Winter is also a bit of a ‘tweener as polar air doesn’t always makes it to the Gulf Coast, allowing for warmer air to dominate. And what happens when layers of cold and warm air intercede? The propensity for tornadoes and severe weather. U.S. Safe Room has you covered regardless of the season, so you can stay safe year around with steel storm protection.

Falling Temps Don’t Always Mean a Collapse of Severe Weather

steel storm protection
Source: weather.com
steel storm protection
Source: weather.com

If you look at the weather record books, the chance for tornadoes is never nil. While peak season is late spring and summer, winter tornadoes can still occur. Just like any other season, the Deep South remains the go-to target for dangerous tornadoes. But wait a second, you might wonder, ‘What about Tornado Alley?’ Scientists can’t figure this one out, but it appears the stomping grounds for tornadoes is migrating from the Midwest to the Deep South. Even worse, the chance for casualties is even higher in the southeastern states. Wide-open prairie lands can give you a visual head start on an approaching tornado, but the rolling hills and jagged tree line of southern states can conceal these storms until it’s far too late. The south also experiences milder temperatures than the rest of the nation during the fall and winter. During October of 2019, an outbreak of tornadoes in six southern states, including Dallas, Texas, rattled these storm weary regions. This rash of tornadoes during Spooky Season further drove harm a crucial reminder. Warm, humid air masses will always spawn tornadoes, regardless of the season.

Vigilance and Precaution Along With Steel Storm Protection Can Save Your Family From Disaster

Cooler temperatures and shorter days gives you plenty of downtime to rest and recuperate from a busy summer. Why not take advantage of the downtime, so you can stay ahead of the storm? The leaves and gutters can wait. You have a family to protect! While you might be tempted to get a jumpstart on holiday shopping, you could take that money in invest in year around storm protection. U.S. Safe Room has a line of underground and aboveground bunkers and panelized safe rooms that can fit any floor plan or existing infrastructure. Storm season never takes a break, and neither should you. While weather and climate might change or evolve, steel storm protection remains the one constant in an uncertain world.

above ground safe room or underground bunker