Since the Industrial Revolution, steel has preserved its spot as one of the best building materials worldwide. From bridges and skyscrapers to cars and electrical equipment, nothing can beat the intrinsic strength of steel. But this wasn’t always the case. Just a few short decades ago, wood was the go-to building component of a growing America. While abundant and easy to use, wood had some inherent defects. If left untreated, wood could easily rot and doesn’t stand a chance against high heat and fires. During the 19th century, entire wooden cities nearly burned to the ground. Something needed to change in the way America expanded its horizons, and steel would offer the best possible solution. With the nation expanding westward, builders need a more reliable building material that could withstand a new natural threat – tornadoes. High-force sheering winds can easily dismantle stick-built structures, including storm shelters. Even subterranean bunkers couldn’t offer the same universal protection as a steel-welded tornado shelter.

Why is Steel the Best Building Material for Safe Rooms?

above ground safe room or underground bunker

Engineers love steel. While its more labor intensive to create and build with, steel continues to outlast wood in all applications. Steel offers ultimate protection without being extremely heavy. Steel is also virtually impervious to moisture and termites and doesn’t crumble under extreme pressure. There’s a reason why civil engineers rely on steel for building new roadways and towering construction projects. But steel isn’t just for larger infrastructural needs. While traditional housing will continue to rely on cheaper and lighter building materials for the foreseeable future, steel has nudged its way into being the go-to component for constructing safe rooms. While composite materials are sufficient in residential construction, you will need heavy duty protection against Mother Nature’s more devious arsenal. Growing civil unrest and the threat of nuclear war requires formidable protection against lasting incursions.

Our Steel Safe Rooms Can Withstand Windspeeds of 250 mph

Taking the advice of meteorologists and engineers alike, we’ve developed a nearly impenetrable line of steel protection. Our safe rooms can withstand the brutalizing force of tornados while versatile enough to be accommodated into almost any residential floor plan. There’s not much breathing room in the argument that steel is the best building material for constructing safe rooms. Tight steel welds offer universal protection against domestic and natural threats. What else can offer such superior protection without being cost inhibitive? While our standalone above-ground models offer the ultimate life-saving protection, we realize that space might be a premium at your residence, and discretion is always key in guarding against new threats. As a result, we also offer a line of panelized safe rooms that can be easily retrofitted into any existing room, office, or closet. Panelized shelters offer the same level of protection as the aboveground storm shelters, but take up less space as they make the best use of existing infrastructure.

Don’t Skimp on Safety

tiny home

Life is full of shortcuts. Some cheat codes won’t get you in too much trouble, but it always pays to hedge your bets. Investing in safe room or tornado protection isn’t like any other type of home improvement project. You can’t just get by smoothing over rough spots or using a coat of paint to hide blemishes. Superior steel protection goes beyond the surface, offering complete protection inside and out. While investing in a safe room might be one of the more pricier renovation projects you will ever undertake, it will likely outlast the lifespan of your home and really is the “one-time fix” you’ve been looking for.