Preppers get a bad rep. Many people envision some conspiracy theorist in a tinfoil hat living in their mom’s basement. Relying on stereotypes instead of conventional wisdom, the term preppers is misleading. When the bombs start to fall, however, preppers may suddenly turn into the smartest guys in the room, and they’re far more common that we think. In reality, the prepper has been growing steadily over the past 20 years – thanks in part to growing fears of climate change and nuclear war. Approximately 10 percent of all American households now follow some form of prepping. Whether it’s stockpiling some extra canned goods due to inflation or going full Doomsayer and building a huge underground bunker – this grassroots movement is about to go mainstream.
Can We Still Trust Our Government for Protection?

Disenchanted by the misgivings of our government, a growing number of people have taking personal protection into their own wheelhouse. Do you remember how badly some states fumbled the COVID19 pandemic? While the government was quick to shut down public gathers they quickly reversed course and prematurely reopened due to the criticism from the court of public appeal. We needed strong and steadfast leaders, instead we got panderers and science deniers. The final death count could’ve been much worse. We simply can’t trust our government to save us. We’ve learned this lesson every time a hurricane or tornado roars through town. In the aftermath of destruction, government officials are hapless to address even our most basic concerns and needs; namely, shelter and a sense of protection and relief from the storm. Going full-scale prepper
You Are Your Own First Responder

Above all else, being prepared is a virtue. When the lights go out, you become a beacon of hope and safety for everyone who is close to you. While others laugh at those people stockpiling surplus goods during calm economic times, they quickly change their perspective when grocery store shelve remain bare and the lights stay out for days at a time. Staying ahead of any approaching storm allows you to game plan every grueling and desensitizing moment that follows travesty. Prepping for disaster includes the light stockpiling food, emergency supplies, fuel, first aid kits and other nonperishable essentials. Many preppers take this advice too far and hoard all goods and materials they can get their hands on. We condemn this animalistic nature of planning, and instead, urge you to exercise prudence and sensibility when preparing for the worst.
Don’t Head Underground, Fortify Your Home With Panelized Shelter

Digging underground is the new ‘head for the hills’ mentality when dealing with natural or manmade disasters. Installing underground bunkers may make a lot of sense on the surface – or in this case, just below it- certain pitfalls persist. Underground bunkers can quickly become expensive with some advanced subterranean units running more than $1 million. Underground bunkers can quickly become a second basement that is quickly forgotten about until rhetoric about nuclear war reemerges in the media. Since it’s buried near or directly below your home, you rarely venture into that area unless to retrieve Christmas decorations or to add to your never-ending stockpile of goods. Suddenly, this multi thousand dollar investment has suddenly become relegated to a storage unit that you will rarely use.
Instead of taking out several loans and investing an entire new survival shelter, why not take that money and invest it in your current residence? Fortifying an extra room, closet or office with a panelized shelter is a cost-effective option for maximum protection. Why start from scratch when you have a sturdy frame in place that can only embolden your shelter and absorb incoming blast and shockwaves. Panelized steel shelters add a layer of steel protection to existing subframe. You could even create a separate room out of panelized shelters in large open areas, such as your basement or garage.

Prepper or Not, We Sell Peace of Mind
No one likes to sound like an alarmist, or dare we say, conspiracy theorist. But you have you taking a glimpse at the world around us lately? Wildfires continue to rage out west. Tornado watchers continue to be posted almost daily. We’ve also been on the verge of a world war for the past seven months. Just as we began to once again stand on our own following the COVID19 pandemic, we were blindsided by inflation and rising costs, making it nearly impossible to make ends meet let alone prepare for the next disaster. Taking a course in how to become a prepper might sound just as effective as learning how to cook – it’s a skill that everyone is going to need at one point in their life. We could all take a page from their manual on “How to Survive The End of the World” without buying into the whole book. That’s where U.S. Safe Room enters this conversation. We skim for the highlights of survivalist movements and pass on the cliff notes to our customers with panelized safe rooms and shelters.