Firearm protection is more than just a constitutional right. For many proud Americans, it’s a birthright. Ever since the first pioneers established homesteads on the frontiers, firearms have become an integral part of the American experience.
Gun ownership is not something Americans and our forefathers have taken lightly either. For millions of Americans, firearms are a first-line of defense against intruders and home invaders. We understand this desire for superior protection. We are also in the firearm protection business and value its superior structural integrity.
Steel protection for steel protection
At U.S. Safe Room, we offer steel safe rooms, bunkers and underground shelters to complement steel barrel protection. But what about securing the weapons that bring you peace of mind and safety? Don’t they deserve protection as well? What many people don’t realize is that our steel shelters and bunkers can also double as gun safes.
Transform your safe room into a walk-in vault!
Firearms are highly sought after possessions. Right after electronics, jewelry and money, rifles and pistols are at the top of any criminal’s “must-have” list. To protect these and other valuables, we offer safe rooms and gun safes in customizable sizes and options.
As we mentioned before, a safe room and underground bunker aren’t just for protecting people: they can also protection your firearms. You can easily transform a customized bunker or safe-room into a walk-in gun safe or vault. This option not only allows for quick and easy access during a break-in, but also for proper storage when your away from your home.
Multi-point lock secure doors
Like any gun safe or vault, our safe rooms come with multi-point lock secure doors, so even your firearms are impervious to the threats of the most cunning of criminals. As opposed to traditional gun cabinets, our gun safes and bunkers can not be access by a simple lock and key and thus offer an extra level of protection. You can also rest assured knowing that these dangerous weapons are out of reach from your children and grandchildren. As the patriarch or matriarch of the house, it’s up to you to decide when the time is right to introduce your loved ones to the joys of firearm ownership and shooting. Don’t let inferior protection rob you of that right!
Keep weapons and valuables hidden with unique installation features

Looking for even more firearm protection? You drive a hard bargain, but we understand. Along with superior steel protection, our unique customization options allow you to store easily and discretely install a safe room or gun room into existing infrastructure with minimal structural disturbance to your home. This option allows your gun safe and safe room to stay completely hidden and out-of-sight of criminals.
We Offer a Variety of Custom Safe Room Products
All three of our safe room products are customizable to meet your specific needs as a prepper, gun owner, or someone who desires a fall-back option for themselves or their family. Check out more information on our original safe room, modular safe room, and supremely customizable underground bunker. If you want best-in-class life protection and safety, give us a call at (855) 745-3676 to speak with one of our helpful team members about building the perfect safe room, gun safe, or combination of the two.
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