Tornadoes aren’t supposed to happen in January. We should be lamenting the woes of more wintry weather while scavenging for a snow shovel instead of untangling a web of destruction from a tornado, as was the case at a Columbia, S.C. high school this weekend.
As night descended on the hospitable southern town, residents were lulled into a slight state of complacency. With little warning, the trance was broken as a cacophony of rain and wind suddenly transfixed their attention to the destruction unravelling outside.
With maximum wind speeds of 130 miles per hour, a tornado violently scattered a group of vehicles across the high school’s parking lot like a screaming toddler kicks his choice Hot Wheels cars.
Storm shelters should be a priority in any area prone to tornadoes

Fortunately, no one was injured as the storm took place after school hours, but it turns out the twister had a lesson of its own to impart. Destructive weather is not selective. Storms and twisters can happen at the most inopportune times. Like fingernails screeching across a black chalkboard, this afterschool special should catch your attention to and emphasize the importance of storm protection.
U.S. Safe Room Underground Bunker can provide superior site protection at schools

Had this particular tornado occurred during school hours, the outcome would not have been as benign. Schools and other densely populated areas are vulnerable to spontaneous and violent twisters. Chaos and confusion can undermine the most well-intended and rehearsed contingency plans. As with any volatile threat, schools and other education centers should prevent needless injuries by investing in an underground steel bunker from U.S. Safe Room.
Community Safe Room Storm Shelters can provide peace of mind while dreading the worst-case scenario
Steel protection isn’t just for schools and it’s not limited to severe weather either. Churches and community centers could also benefit tremendously from an underground bunker. Depending on the structural layout of the building and its estimated distance from classrooms and the congregation hall, a community bunker may be better suited to fit your needs.
Unfortunately, violent storms aren’t the only threat we must take into consideration. With a nationwide rise in school and church shootings, we must adhere to these signs of the time and face the possibility that our communities could suffer similar fates.
Tornado Safe Community Shelter

- EF-5 250 MPH Wind Tested and Approved Design
- Encased in solid steel with industrial steel structural framing for maximum protection
- Customizable for any of your needs and number of persons you plan to protect
- Risk management for schools, towns, businesses, and remote construction sites
- Versatile uses include warm-up and cool down rooms with Power and Climate Control
- Easy Accessibility to safe Tornado and severe weather for large groups
- Restroom options with Chemical Toilet or Plumbing for Emergency Planning
- Turn-key installation available
Designed, engineered, and manufactured to FEMA 320, FEMA 361, and ICC 500 Standards. Our storm shelters were tested and certified by Texas Tech National Wind Institute in strict accordance to FEMA 320 (2014), FEMA 361 (2015), and ICC-500 (2014) standards for wind rated impact of 250 mph ground speed tornado events.