Pharmacies are the cornucopias of the modern world. They provide relief from common ailments and recurring illnesses. Without the institutional knowledge of esteemed pharmacists and their medically approved elixirs, human civilization would be susceptible to rampant disease and infection. Advances in modern medicine have entrenched pharmacology as the front line defense in communicable diseases. Benefiting from countless breakthroughs in medical science, pharmacies remain a convenient one-stop respite for combating contagions and providing much needed comfort. Unfortunately, pharmacies are also susceptible to theft and burglaries. Drug addled criminals will risk life and limb in breaching a pharmacy’s perimeter, as they scour the building for dangerous narcotics. U.S. Safe Room’s pharmacy safes and medical storage cabinets can provide discreet protection from nefarious thieves.
America is the midst of a wide-sweeping opioid epidemic. More than 70,000 people died from a drug overdose in 2019 alone and another 10.1 million people misused prescription opioids in the past year. An alarming 1.6 million people also misused prescription pain relievers for the first time. Although grandma’s medicine cabinet remains a leading source of illicit narcotics for first-time users, vulnerable pharmacies and medical supply centers are still susceptible to prying hands. Just the other day, two suspects ransacked an Oak Ridge, Tenn. pharmacy as they pilfered through unsecured pill bottles. Pharmacies are akin to banks. They contain a wealth of valuable information and resources that must be closely guarded. While many small, family owned pharmacies can’t afford large steel bank vaults that can cost an excess of $1 million or full-time security guards, they still need some form of protection from thieves.
Pharmacy safes can deter criminals during break-ins and burglaries

More often than not, drugs are the top priority for overzealous criminals during a pharmacy break-in. Since pharmacies typically don’t carry large amounts of cash on hand, cash registers are typically just an afterthought of these brazen, but frenzied criminals. Pharmacy safes and medical storage cabinets can become a powerful deterrent against theft of narcotics. From the moment a perpetrator breaches a pharmacy’s security system, they only have a couple of minutes to make their score and exit the premises before authorities arrive on the scene. Even when faced with only slight resistance, as was the case with a recent pharmacy burglary in Michigan where the criminals quickly gave up when they couldn’t breach a safe, it can mean the difference in protecting dangerous narcotics from determined culprits. Prescription medications aren’t just susceptible to theft. Panelized safe room kits can provide storage in a cool, dimly lit area so the chemical consistency of liquid medications aren’t compromised.
Panelized safe room kits can be easily and discreetly retrofitted into existing rooms and offices

A U.S. Safe Room pharmacy safe is as versatile as it is strong. Our light-weight panelized kits can be retrofitted into an existing office, therefore beefing up your pharmacy’s security without adding extra floor space. With versatility in mind, you could also install electrical hook-ups, such as surveillance cameras and other anti-theft devices. Our modular safe room kit Knock-Down Units aren’t only for private homes, they can protect anyone, anywhere. As a business or commercial enterprise owner, you have an ethical obligation to the safety of your employees and customers or guests. In the case of an emergency, your employees should have a place to protect themselves while they’re on the job, and any visiting customers or guests deserve protection as well. These modular safe room kit panels can be quickly and discreetly installed at your place of business, so it won’t negatively impact your business or commercial enterprise. The modular safe room kit Knock-Down Unit is the best investment into the protection of your home or business. Your employees and customers will love that you care about their safety.