Since its construction in 1995, conspiracy theorists have long conjectured that a secret underground bunker under the Denver Airport was built by the world elites as a leadup to a pending apocalypse. Citing its hefty price tag and delayed timeline for opening, conspiracy theorists claim the airport’s construction was merely a front to build a massive system of underground tunnels that are supposedly used by Freemasons and even the Illuminati. This Noah’s Ark of the Rockies was even rumored to house secret alien-human conference rooms where the fate of humanity is decided by greedy politicians and generals, who are eager to get their hands on the latest alien tech by leveraging abducted humans as guinea pigs.

Many Internet sleuths have surmised the bunker is simply a government installation to house world leaders in the event of a world catastrophe. As you might imagine, only those with top tier security clearance would be privy to such information. Others wager on a far more sinister intent. Scattered throughout the sprawling 1.5 million square feet facility are ominous and macabre murals and paintings depicting death and despair. Why would an international airport, which is already teeming with stressed and nervous passengers, be decorated with such sorrowful imagery? Shouldn’t airport officials design a public facility that engenders confidences and reassurance to weary passengers? If there isn’t a secret bunker under the Denver Airport, officials might want to hire a new interior designer to quell some of these wild rumors that have propagated in response to these strange murals. Seriously though, these pictures look like something conjured up by a Renaissance painter recalling the Black Plague.

Is The Creepy Blue Mustang the Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse? Is This Evidence of a Secret Bunker Under the Denver Airport?

Creepy imagery abounds at the Denver Airport. If those Medieval paintings aren’t enough to send you running to the ticket exchange then this demonic blue horse could have you high trotting to another regional airport. Conceptually speaking, this bucking Bronco, dubbed Bluecifer (we see what you did there, Denver), was sculpted to depict the old Wild West. Instead, Bluecifer leaves many conspiracy theorists wondering if this installation was a coincidence or another tantalizing clue by the airport’s masterminds alluding to the sinister endeavors of a secret underground bunker.

The Denver Airport mystery only deepens with the inclusion of this mysterious dedication plaque for time capsule. Inscribed on this less than sanctimonious piece of block is the cryptic text, “New World Airport Commission.” With so much mystery already surrounding the airport’s provenance, this austere time capsule plaque isn’t exactly the airport’s most edifying moment. Allusion to any “New World Order” lingo only sends conspiracy theorists into a frenzy as this phrase is a common dog whistle used by fringed fanatics that believe world leaders are conspiring to overhaul the current world order in favor of one that relies on overt servitude and complete submission, as well forfeiture of basic human rights. Regardless of where your beliefs might fall on the subject of the secret underground bunker at the Denver Airport, this iconic imagery is questionable at best. D.B. Cooper himself would probably pick another airport!
Create Your Own Secret Sanctuary with Panelized Safe Room Kit

We will never know for certain if a secret bunker exists at the Denver International Airport. Like Area 51, we can only guess what is lurking below in this so-called massive Doomsday bunker. We have to admit though, we can’t think of a better place to build such a bunker than the Rocky Mountains. Denver is basically the geographic center of the United States. The high elevation affords bunker protectors the “higher ground” so-to-speak, making the installation virtually impenetrable in the event of civil distress or nuclear war. So, let’s just assume for a minute the conspiracy theorists are right. There is a secret underground bunker at the Denver Airport. If the engineers of this bunker have taught us anything, it’s the value of discretion. In any event, government officials likely wanted to keep this bunker under ‘Top Secret’ classification. As you can tell, wild rumors have surrounded this mysterious bunker rumor since Day 1. So, this means officials have failed at the core of their mission.
One of the innate advantages of a “secret bunker” or “safe room” is discretion. If installed quietly and correctly, you will have a secret sanctuary or panic room that no one will ever discover. While you will likely never know the truth about the DIA doomsday bunker, you can create bug-out room of your own with a panelized safe room kit from U.S. Safe Room. These kits feature easy-to-install modular steel panels that can be fitted to closet space, or simply convert a part of any larger room into a fully secured safe room tornado shelter, storm safe, or multi-use safety storage. Easily convert a room or a corner of your garage without costly construction. Rather than having to transport an entire safe room pre-assembled, our custom safe room kits break down into lightweight panels and parts. These part kits can easily be palletized and transported by truck for maximum convenience and confidentiality.