Imagine retiring to your bedroom after yet another grueling day at the office. Your eyelids are heavy. In a lead-up to yet another busy day, you begin to mentally prepare yourself for the endless barrage of emails and errands that await. After slipping into more comfortable attire, you are greeted by the warm embrace of freshly washed sheets in your comfortable bed. As you begin to drift off to sleep, you were awoken by the sound of shattering glass. Your home’s security system sends out deafening waves of shock and urgency. You reach for the phone to call 911, but with police response times reaching all-time highs, you know any calls for help are futile. Suddenly, you remember the steel protection of your hidden safe room. Refuge awaits. After quickly corralling the rest of the family, you escape to the steel fortitude as the renegade thieves quickly abandon any hope of victimizing stunned family members.
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, a property crime happens every four seconds and an accompany violent crime occurs every 20 seconds! Even more troubling, a robbery occurs every 90 seconds and attempted rape happens every five minutes. 38 percent of these assaults and 60 percent of all rapes happen during these home invasions! While firearm protection remains a frontline defense for many homeowners, many residents are choosing the safer rout of avoiding confrontation altogether and escaping to well-placed, but hidden safe room. The chance of potentially maiming a family member with a firearm also increases in a darkened environment, which is why we recommend not engaging perpetrators in any scenario. On average, it takes any conniving crooks less than a minute to break into your home. With the crooks securely holding onto the element of surprise, your family is at a distinct disadvantage.
Hidden Safe Room Panelized Kits Are Easy to Install

It’s time to take back your family’s peace of mind. A Hidden Safe Room Panelized Kit evens the score and levels the playing field against dastardly crooks. By installing your hidden safe room in a hidden location, you reclaim your family’s strategic advantage! Our knock-down safe room units are easy to install and can be retrofitted into any existing room, closet or office. We can also discreetly deliver the panelized kits to your home, totally unbeknownst to nosey neighbors or opportunistic criminals! Our safe rooms are also great for storm protection. With tornado season lasting longer every year, no one is immune from the effects of these killer storms.
Modular Safe Room Features and Benefits

- Customized steel panels can retrofit any room
- Panels come in single units and are lightweight
- Installed by a professional or by you
- Protection against burglary
- Protection against natural disasters
- Protection for your valuables
- Discreet and easy to install
- Save the lives of loved ones, employees, and coworkers
- Peace of mind