Tornado season is heating up. Colliding airmasses, coupled with seasonal warming, have created ideal conditions for monstrous tornadoes across the Midwest. Unstable air flows combine in one of Mother Nature’s most unique juxtapositions of beauty and pure carnage. Endless stretches of flat land in the region also creates a perfect runway for renegade storms. Over the weekend, this classic act of Mother Nature pitted against mankind played out to perfection as five tornadoes touched down in Michigan. Although six people were reported injured, there are no indications that anyone perished as the result of this storm system. At best, advanced forecasting can offer storm weary residents a few minutes to seek shelter. For complete protection, invest in a steel safe room that can be easily implemented into any home or office’s existing floor plan.
Why invest in inferior building materials when a superior steel solution is just a click or call away?

The price of building materials continue to skyrocket. Lumber prices have reached heights that were previously unimaginable. You almost need to take out a small loan to finance something as simple as patio furniture or a deck! We also appear to be in the midst of yet another housing bubble with the proverbial ‘pop’ looming in almost every financial expert’s extended forecast. While it’s true that steel is traditionally more expensive than wood and composite building materials, it offers several key advantages. Not only are steel buildings quicker and easier to build, they are also easier to maintain. While wood is susceptible to weathering and termites, steel is manufactured to stand the test of time. Steel is also resistant to fire, extreme weather and ballistic rounds! Tornadoes of the F3 variety and up routinely reduce wood buildings to rubble in a matter of seconds. Why would you risk seeking shelter in anything other than a steel safe room from U.S. Safe Room?
Steel is often categorized as a ‘one-time cost’ in the world of building. Since this powerful alloy was forged under tremendous temperatures and pressure, it’s the strongest building material known to man and can last for decades following installation. There’s almost zero maintenance following initial construction! Steel construction is also considered greener and more environmentally friendly. Take a moment to consider that irony. Irresponsible harvesting of our world’s natural resources have worsened, and in some cases, contributed to the ill-effects of climate change. This in turn has resulted in more hurricanes and tornadoes, which are the very threats we are trying to protect you from! We are offering a greener and cheaper solution to these killer storms, while hopefully lessening the impact brought on by climate change and the cultivation of inferior building materials. In a cruel twist of fate, it’s no wonder that structures built from these cheaper supplies are the first to topple during sever weather.
The innate advantages of a steel safe room
- Customizable to any size, to accommodate any number of people
- Quick construction and cost-effective installation
- Units can be installed by a professional or D.I.Y.
- Provides Protection against burglary
- Provides Protection against natural disasters
- Provides Protection for your valuables
- Provides Protection for family, neighbors, employees, and coworkers
- Peace of mind