Humans are creatures of habit. Seldomly do we consider the variables of daily life. Sure, those worst-case scenarios could become a reality without a moment’s notice, but those insurmountable odds rarely make us waver from our routine. One way to guarantee safety and peace of mind is to invest in a bunker or above ground shelter from U.S. Safe Room.
What if a tsunami was to strike the coast during your trip annual summer beach trip? What about earthquakes? Would we still be standing on solid ground if a monstrous 8.0 ripped through the Ring of Fire? Tornadoes are also a threat almost everyone must now contend with. Corners of the country once thought immune to cyclonic storms are now finding themselves in the crosshairs every spring and summer.
Sure. The chances of experiencing such a cataclysmic event is one in a million – if not more – but we must be cognizant that real world peril is always just a moment away.
Quiet fears by investing in a modular safe room

We’re not trying to scare you into buying a bomb shelter of safe room. Fear mongering is distasteful and rarely works on a grand scale. But we do want to review the options at your disposal should you decide to invest in steel protection.
Were you a fan of the Twilight Zone? We know… cue the creepy music. Before the plot twists of M. Night Shyamalan’s Blockbuster hits, some of televisions most awe-inspiring “gotcha” moments came from this 1960s black and white tv show on CBS.
All psychological thrillers aside, some of the show’s more poignant moments, however, came by the way of keen insights or allegories. Behind the Hollywood showmanship, the producers had a story to tell – typically, one pertaining to the current state of mankind.
One episode dwarfs all others. Spoiler alert: it’s about a bomb shelter. We know… But our bias is understandable given the nature of our work. The show in question played off the fears of nuclear proliferation in the 1960s. Most Americans considered the threat of nuclear war as possible, if not inevitable.
Steel protection never goes out of style

In the show, the neighborhood’s elder statesmen decides to invest in an underground bomb shelter while his friends binge on martini’s and the day’s gossip. They more or less scuff at the notion of an atomic attack and ignore the pleas of their neighbor to heed his caution and to likewise invest in a shelter. We couldn’t agree more with this man’s cautionary tale. Even today, the threat of nuclear proliferation and warfare remains a sobering reality.
Like the Twilight Zone, a modular safe room can stand the test of time. A U.S. Safe Room® Knock-Down Unit features easy-to-install modular steel panels that can be fitted to any size room, hence creating a safe room wherever is most convenient for you and your family. It’s like giving your home body armor, and it could save your life
Now back to our original anecdote. One night, the Twilight Zone character’s frightful vision comes true. Their weekly gathering is interrupted by a radio broadcast warning of an imminent nuclear attack racing across the north pole from arch nemesis Soviet Union. The neighbors quickly scurry away before reconvening at the neighbor’s house once they remembered he had built a bomb shelter.
Despite their pleading, the man doesn’t flinch, and his resolve remains intact. There is simply not enough room for all the neighbors and his family. He cannot sacrifice the safety of his family because his friends and confidants decide to ignore his warnings. As a final act of desperation, the neighbors use a large blunt object to barrel their way into the bomb shelter. At that very moment, the frenzy is halted by an unexpected radio announcement. A few wayward weather satellites had been mistaken as a Soviet missile. The warning of a pending nuclear attack was a false alarm. Despite the unnecessary fear, all of these residents could’ve breathed easier had they invested in a bunker or above ground shelter.
Bunker or above ground shelter can stand the test of time
Depending on your disposition, there are a couple of different messages or parables you could decipher from this particular Twilight Zone episode. For starters, human nature doesn’t change. Mankind is an opportunistic species. Even if he fails to prepare for the worst, he will invariably rely on his cohorts to pull him through those tough times. But this flawed thinking begs another question. Why would you put the health and safety of your family into the hands of a neighbor who is likely trying to do the same for his clan?
Desperate times call for desperate measures. You never know someone’s true inklings and the depths of despair they can approach when the odds are stacked against them. Unlike the Twilight Zone episode, our bunkers are virtually impenetrable. You won’t have to worry about someone breaching your multi-point secure door with a U.S. Safe Room underground bunker.
A U.S. Safe Room® bunker or above ground shelter provides the perfect framework for your prepping plan. Our bunkers are completely underground units that will protect you and your family from outside dangers while letting you maintain your quality of life indoors. Customizable for your needs, you can design your survival bunker to be a media room, home office, gym, or fallout shelter with the living arrangements necessary to encourage longevity. Designed to withstand any force, these units are fitted with security doors and encased in steel.