pharmacy safes

Pharmacy safes and medical storage cabinets can protect dangerous narcotics and prescription drugs

Pharmacies are the cornucopias of the modern world. They provide relief from common ailments and recurring illnesses. Without the institutional knowledge of esteemed pharmacists and their medically approved elixirs, human civilization would be susceptible to rampant disease and infection. Advances in modern medicine have entrenched pharmacology as the front line defense in communicable diseases. Benefiting…

Cannabis vaults

Panelized Cannabis vaults can meet the unique demands of marijuana dispensaries

The Cannabis industry is growing in potency. As an increasing number of states move toward legalizing recreational and medical marijuana, Cannabis dispensaries will continue to emerge in meeting the growing demand of this evolving cash crop. And like any other retail establishment, dispensaries must protect their product and large amounts of cash on hand. Owners…

Kentucky tornado

Deadly tornadoes continue to rampage the south

At least five people are dead after supercell tornadoes destroy hundreds of homes in the Deep South Tornado season has come early to the southeast. Earlier this year, meteorologists warned us that changing global weather patterns could have dire consequences for the upcoming tornado season. So far, their forecasts were dead-on. On Thursday, deadly tornadoes…