A woman walks by a painting that points a gun at her back.

Does Your Community Need A Safe Room?

Protecting Your Community These can be trying times. The staggering numbers reported after every atrocity occurring within our country only seem to be rising higher. The misfortune of our meek and poor is growing into desperation. Those communities foster hate and resentment to those on the other side of the fence, and more and more…

Many roads were blocked after the storm.

Our Area Was Hit With a Severe Storm

We always attempt to explain to our customers that just because tornadoes don’t frequently hit your area, it doesn’t mean that they won’t eventually. The county just down the mountain from our headquarters was recently hit by a severe storm, knocking out power to around twenty-two thousand customers of Duke Power. The schools were closed…

Oklahoma Tornado Injures Thirty People

Tornado alley consists of Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Nebraska, Colorado, North Dakota, and North Dakota. These states have frequent severe weather that can give rise to tornadoes, and often brutal damage as a result. Oklahoma has seen it’s fair share of tornadoes since the National Weather Service began recording tornado activity…