As dystopian as it might sound, school shootings have become the norm in America. With every breaking news bulletin of another misguided youth unleashing his anxiety-ridden manifestations on his unsuspecting classmates, we slide collectively to the brink of mass hysteria. Copycat shootings have become all the craze as attention-starved loners, driven by this myopic misperception that violence will garner their fame and attention, strive for the macabre. Last week, a jilted and confused Michigan teenage killed four of his fellow classmates. With callousness usurping any inklings of remorse or redemption, this young shooter will torment his classmates for decades to come, as they deal with the emotional fallout of such a traumatic event. As a sign of what’s to come regarding more stringent gun control regulations, the boy’s parents are now facing involuntary manslaughter charges. This unmitigated trend of school shootings is unlikely to end without serious government intervention or some collective changing of hearts from ardent fanatics.
Unprecedented Strength and Protection From an Industry Leader
Unsurprisingly, authorities have not released the shooter’s motive. We can only conjecture what was running through his head in the moments that led up to the execution of his diabolical plan. Without politicizing such a heart-rendering event, a national narrative of how to curtail escalating violence must be developed to reverse this disturbing trend. As contrived as mass shootings might have become, we must evaluate the variables and unknown factors that contribute to this not-so-novel epidemic of schoolhouse violence. Like any other domestic policy or national movement, true change is still likely years away. In our vulnerable population’s best interest, school leaders must therefore seek immediate protection and safeguards to be implemented in every campus facility nationwide. Many principles and superintendents will opt for metal detectors and more robust perimeter security as a symbolic gesture or meaningless act of placating. While such measures will undoubtedly engender foreboding senses of ease and comfort, these austere militarized facets can also traumatize younger students who feel as if they are stepping into a warzone instead of friendlier confines. And parents have to ask themselves, ‘Have we really arrived to the point where my child has to be patted down when they get to school?’

Security guards, while a welcomed reinforcement, are also a limited response. With average student enrollment surpassing the 1,000 mark, the addition of a few armed personnel does little to deter a determined perpetrator. Per capita, armed guards can’t be everywhere at once and security breaches will be come inevitable. Schoolhouse entrances aren’t the only egresses for shooters of well-orchestrated attacks. Instead of finishing his algebra assignments for the following day, conniving wannabe mass shooters are doing another kind of homework as they map their attacks to coincide with areas where they can render maximize destruction within sight of the best escape route.
Centralized Ballistic Shelters for Classrooms Can Save Larger Enrollments

Logistics and fortitude in protection can save lives. Centralized ballistic shelters for classrooms can protect dozens of children from a maniacal shooter. These structures can be surreptitiously placed in a gym, cafeteria, playground, theater or long schoolhouse corridor. And we know what you’re probably thinking. ‘Who is going to pay for all this?’ Funding for a safe room or community shelter can be covered through federal and local government stipends or simply diverting budget items from superficial departments and events. Concerned parents should voice their fears of ever-rising domestic violence to their child’s respective school system or the local board of education. Remodeling and new school construction also present the perfect opportunity to install a ballistic shelter for classroom.
Tornado Safe Community Shelter
- EF-5 250 MPH Wind Tested and Approved Design
- Encased in solid steel with industrial steel structural framing for maximum protection
- Customizable for any of your needs and number of persons you plan to protect
- Risk management for schools, towns, businesses, and remote construction sites
- Versatile uses include warm-up and cool down rooms with Power and Climate Control
- Easy Accessibility to safe Tornado and severe weather for large groups
- Restroom options with Chemical Toilet or Plumbing for Emergency Planning
- Turn-key installation available
Designed, engineered, and manufactured to FEMA 320, FEMA 361, and ICC 500 Standards. Our storm shelters were tested and certified by Texas Tech National Wind Institute in strict accordance to FEMA 320 (2014), FEMA 361 (2015), and ICC-500 (2014) standards for wind rated impact of 250 mph ground speed tornado events.Share this page