America has always been fascinated by the grim and macabre. “If it bleeds, it leads” has become a prevailing marketing tactic by newscasters. Americans can’t get enough of calamity and headlines portending destruction – as long as it’s far away from us. We are a nation of both thrill-seekers and masochists looking to live vicariously through the pain of others. Although we would never devalue the impact of human empathy, America’s desensitized masses constantly crave death and carnage. Whether it’s a sign of the times or shameless pandering by newscasters looking to peddle higher ratings, the average media consumer is unknowingly powered by evocative emotions and persuasive derision. But there’s a science to the vicious cycle of “doom scrolling” and looking for the next hot topic to rattle our nerves. Tornado destruction is no exception. We can’t turn away whenever we see a tornado cloud on the nightly news.
Why Are We So Obsessed With Bad News?

Despite what the ratings suggest, humanity isn’t innately driven to seek out worst-case scenarios. Ultimately, we’re all optimists at heart. Everyone enjoys a storybook ending, but adding a little spice to our lives helps drown out doldrums of monotony. While we might ignominiously indulge in the plight of tragedy, we use it to measure our lives to reassure our calm surroundings, removed miles away from the despair. It is a mild idiosyncratic coping mechanism. “Well, my life could always be worse,” you tell yourself reassuringly before scrolling on to the next meme or cat video. Although you might find the images and story disturbing, it’s nothing you haven’t seen before. By releasing the nervous tension from afar, you feel you fulfilled your role as a sympathetic viewer while satisfying the dopamine-addled brain.
While the chances of experiencing a natural calamity are consistently low, they are never zero. Tornado destruction is the perfect example for explaining a less-than-empathetic mindset. Images of descending funnel clouds make great clickbait for viewers. How often have you stopped scrolling to watch a tornado rip through a Midwestern town? It’s the ultimate nightmare fuel, and we cannot look away. We all take comfort in knowing that tornadoes are natural phenomena instead of a rule of meteorological norms. Although we might take comfort in the laws of probability, the scope and occurrence of tornadoes are increasing. Tornado Alley is widening, and no one is safe. Every American state has at least a few confirmed tornadoes on record. Tornadoes will become a more common trend with Global Warming tipping the scales to new chaotic norms.
Aboveground Tornado Shelters Can Ease Anxieties of Tornado Destruction

What’s your first thought after watching a late-night scary movie? As the end credits roll, many of us jump up to immediately lock doors or check under the bed. For those taut thrillers, many horror movie fans will turn on every light in the house to assuage those frazzled inklings. Sorry, Dad! We know it’s silly and unnecessary, but adding a protective ritual to unsettling events restores control and feelings of safety. After reading the nightly news featuring another rash of home invasions, we might do the same. But what about calming that tired psyche upon seeing relentless tornado destruction? An aboveground tornado shelter from U.S. Safe Room could give you the same peace of mind of locking the doors after Michael Myers terrorizes our Netflix queues. Comprised of superior steel welds and 1/4″ steel panels, our safe rooms offer superior protection against tornadoes, hurricanes, home invasions, and civil unrest. So turn off the nightly news and invest in steel protection. Your sanity will thank you. Life is what we make of it. Take control of your life’s story by protecting what matters most.