Schools were once thought to be sanctuaries for our children. These hallowed halls of learning represented much more than an indicator of a developed nation. When we saw our children step into those big, bright yellow busses, we knew they were in good hands. But times have changed. We no longer live in the American suburbia previous generations came of age in. School shooters have emerged as the latest threat to our most valuable assets.
There was once a time when the flu or the common cold was the worst our children were exposed to during the course of a normal school day. Unfortunately, many classrooms across the nation have become war zones. Media sensationalism of the attacks has done little to settle the nerves of anxious parents and the misled glorification of school shooters have spawned copycat attacks. Social media is also stoking the flames of bullying, which is often a precursor to such attacks.
Although the chances of your child experiencing the horrors of witnessing a school children are slim to none, knowing that there is a safety net for the worst of the worst can provide peace of mind for both students and teachers alike.
So, what can be done? How can our schools return to the safe havens they once were?
Above Ground U.S. Safe Rooms can save the lives of school children
Every U.S. Safe Room® features premium, Made In The USA steel construction with solid plate 1/4″ steel. Our safe rooms are customizable from a small 4×6 shelter up to a community shelter that can safeguard one hundred people. These structures are hand-welded and feature secure multi-point locking doors with many unique door and interior finishing options available. An above ground safe room can be easily installed in new construction or areas with large openings, such as gyms, cafeterias and auditoriums.
With a quarter-inch of steel protecting what matters most, an above ground safe room is a logical solution to mitigating the threats to a vulnerable population. In addition to shooters, students also require protection from violent tornadoes and other volatile weather systems.
Modular Safe Rooms for Existing Structures
An above ground safe room isn’t your only option in allocating the best possible protection for the classroom. A U.S. Safe Room® Knock-Down Unit features easy-to-install modular steel panels that can be fitted to any size room, hence creating a safe room wherever is most convenient within a school. Similar in fashion to a tornado or fire drill, school children can be instructed on what to do and where to go in the event of a school shooting. When school shootings do occur, seconds can make all the difference in the world when it comes to surviving such an attack. Now is the time to protect your children from deranged school shooters.
Steel Community Safe Room Tornado Shelters can also protect children from shooters

Tornadoes aren’t the only thing that can tear a community apart. As of July 26, there have 22 school shootings in the U.S. alone. We cannot say for certainty what can reverse this trend, but we can offer a practical and affordable solution in protecting children from shootings with one of our Community Safe Tornado Rooms. Like a tornado, school shootings happen with almost no prior warning and by the time the warning of imminent danger is heard, the threat is in your vicinity. A centralized shelter can allow students, teachers and staff to quickly make their way to safety before the assailant is able to take aim at defenseless victims.
A Tornado Safe Community Shelter is encased in solid steel with industrial steel structural framing for maximum protection. They are customizable for any of your needs and number of persons you plan to protect. In the event of a prolonged attack, these shelters also come with a chemical toilet or plumbing for emergency planning.