Crazy weather patterns remain in continuous flux.
Dreary, rainy conditions are quickly superseded by prevailing blue skies with abundant sunshine. Powerful cold front yield wild deviations in temperature, as all four seasons can manifest within the span of just a few days.
With just wild variations in weather, it appears the adage about waiting five minutes for conditions to change is concise as it is apt. We live in an unstable global climate. Regardless of where you fall on any weather paradigm, there exists a body of evidence to at the very least suggest a change in long-term weather patterns.
At our headquarters in northwest North Carolina, we’ve seen weather run the gamut this week. Our workweek started bright and sunny before a clipper style weather system brought a torrent of flash flooding, high winds and even a few tornado watches. Fast forward 12 hours later and temperatures have plummeted 40 degrees, as the wind chill falls to just 17. We even saw a few snow flurries linger in the cold mountain air.
U.S. Safe Room above ground units can withstand crazy weather patterns

While this quick change in conditions is not unheard of in the southern Appalachian Mountains, it does create pause as we ponder what else Mother Nature might have in store for us in the years to come. Storms increase in intensity annually. It’s as if the history books are constantly being rewritten as humanity grapples with calamity after calamity. Uncertainty has become the harbinger of imminent peril.
Meteorology has made unprecedented strides in forecasting. Weathermen can almost pinpoint a storm’s trajectory with certainty and even provide minute-by-minute conditions by the street. With such advances in prognosticating, we should be the masters of the weather domain. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. We still live and die by the whims of Mother Nature. While we may be privy to her battle plan, as humans, we are still at the mercy of the natural world.
Before you head for the hills, however, consider our venerable and highly-vaulted line of above ground safe rooms that can withstand an attack from a hurricane, tornado, or even a conniving criminal. These units are equipped with impenetrable reinforced steel and have been tested by engineers to endure the wrath of the world’s most severe weather systems.
Below ground bunkers nearly impervious to destructive tornadoes

Perhaps the most ominous threat to our safety is the increasing prevalence of tornadoes. States that were previously unknown for tornado activity are now seeing these storms annually. Recently, Maine saw its first tornado in years! These storms strike with very little warning. Even today, the average warning time for a tornado is 13 minutes. That’s hardly enough time to find adequate cover unless you have a storm shelter of an underground bunker from U.S. Safe Room.
Our underground bunkers are built not only to safely ride out a storm, but these steel super structures are sturdy enough to withstand the tremendous pressures of earth and soil that will surround the units. You should also consider these structures as opposed to burying a shipping container as these units are known to crumple under tremendous stress, pressure and weight!