No one can doubt the incredible forces of Mother Nature. Even to this day, humanity has been unable to replicate nature’s raw intensity. Take for example, the Tonga volcanic eruption. Last month’s explosion continues to baffle scientists. Weeks after the explosion, they continue to wrap their heads around this exponentially volatile event. At the closest approximations, scientists believes this earth shattering eruption was more than 500 times powerful as the Hiroshima nuclear blast that ended WWII. To better understand the forces at play, envision our planet as a small pond and the Tonga volcano as a small stone. Once tossed into these otherwise tranquil waters, the stone sends out ripples throughout the entire pond. Scientists continue to pour over these atmospheric vibrations via satellite imagery as they struggle to better understand the event. While a U.S. Safe Room tornado shelter or community safe room cannot protect you from violent volcanic eruptions (but, seriously, what can?), we can offer protection against life’s more common and persistent threats.
Wild and Crazy Weather Continues to Dominate Headlines in 2022

The new year is already off to a raucous start. Georgia rang in the New Year with a cluster of unwieldy tornadoes while the east coast was blanketed with more than a foot of snow. Even south Florida saw temperatures plunge below freezing. Colorado avalanches also reminded us that unmovable forces can strike at any time. With the ever-growing tornado season now just a few weeks away, we can only imagine what Mother Nature has in store for the plains states. And then of course there is ominous hurricane season looming on the horizon. Earthquakes have also grown in frequency. These are truly immeasurable forces of nature, as they can happen almost anywhere with little to no warning. Is anywhere safe? What humanity doesn’t seem to realize is that nature, as a whole, as a single, living and breathing organism. Such events and changes to the establishment as a whole aren’t isolated events and can be seen as indicators of much larger trends. We most also remember, that Mother Nature exists in state of perpetual equilibrium. She’s always trying to maintain a neat and well-organized home. When something seems off, such as human pollution and the resulting warming planet, she will go through a series of process or chores to proverbially, “clean house,” so to speak. Chaotic and rapidly fluctuating weather patterns could be the beginnings of a violent purge of the delicate ecosystem. We may very well be in the early stages of a “mass cleaning” with Planet Earth seeing humanity as the trash that needs to be taken out. While it may be too late to completely reverse dangerous weather, you can still protect your family and valuables with a steel panelized safe room kit that can be easily installed into any existing home or office.
Coming to Terms With a Chaotic World

Despite numerous technological advancements, we cannot change the weather for the better. At this point, humanity is only making climate and weekly weather patterns worse. Years of unchecked pollution and a refusal of developing nations to step inline with emission limitations has placed us in a perilous state. Humanity seems to be haunted by a group mentality. Because no single nation can force another country to abide by carbon emission standards, any new regulations adopted today will only have nominal effects. What’s the point of implementing new pollution standards if a handful of countries choose to simply avoid the new rules? Before long, the countries that were originally onboard will soon abandon the positive rhetoric. Why should they give up the positive gains of capitalism if no one else will follow suit? It’s like having a smoking and non-smoking section at restaurant. Eventually, the smog and smoke will overtake us all. Today’s current geopolitical climate toward climate change is almost as hot as Global Warming itself. But there is a message here that we can adopt at much smaller levels of play. While you can’t force your neighbor to change his disastrous behavior, you can implement safe guards and reverse measurements to better your situation at home. Even though there is no guaranteed protection against chaotic events, such as avalanches and volcanoes, we can offer proven protection against severe thunderstorms, hurricanes and tornadoes.
Is the Tonga Volcanic Eruption the Latest Indicator of an Unsettled Planet?

In an ironic twist of fate, volcanic eruptions similar to the Tonga volcanic explosion could actually reverse, or slow down, some of the more dire effects of Global Warming. Series of larger volcanic explosions send out large volumes of small particles that can reflect sunlight and promote long-term cooling of the planet. While this is oversimplifying a very complex system of scientific processes, this does go to show how vulnerable and susceptible the planet’s climate is. If only a few volcanic eruptions can shift the trajectory of our planet’s climate, imagine what type of damage centuries of pollution have done. Like we said before, there’s not a lot any one person can do to reverse this trend, but you can protect your family. Regardless of your beliefs in Global Warming, or the suspicions of political motivations, you cannot deny that sever weather, including tornadoes and hurricanes, continue to grow in frequency. U.S. Safe Room has engineered a line of underground storm shelters to ride out a battery of severe weather events. Engineered from thick steel plating and tested under the most vigorous of conditions, our steel storm shelters and underground bunkers remain virtually impervious from insidious threats and unmitigated weather patterns. Call us today for a free quote and consultation!