Doomsday proclamations and the prepping for the imminent collapse of society are nothing new. Since mankind first put a roof over his head, he fretted over the day it would all come crashing down. It’s as if it’s human nature to always expect the worse without taking the time enjoy the fruits of our labor.
While prepping and heeding to ancient prophecies of Armageddon are once again developing a fanatical following, it’s not exactly a sign of the time or the end of times, for that matter.
U.S. Safe Room can offer superior protection from threats and misinformation
Twenty years ago, humanity was breathing a collective sigh of relief. We had just survived the Y2K scare that had gripped millions of American with a paralyzing fear we had not experienced since the Cold War. If you remember correctly, a digital glitch was expected to throw us back to the Stone Age as technology and supporting software was to be rendered obsolete. Airplanes were expected to fall helplessly from the sky. Nuclear missiles were to launch without warning. Fortunately, society continued to hum along without any interruptions.
Fanatical thinking or a sound investment?
While the threat was not real, the fear and paranoia were almost palpable. Millions of Americans took specific precautions to wait out almost any possible conceived threat or minor inconvenience. Some of the more fervent naysayers invested in a more permanent solution in the form of a steel safe room or underground bunker.
Steel protection isn’t trendy, it’s a lifesaving countermeasure to modern and future threats

In retrospect, it’s easy to play Monday Morning quarterback and proclaim these millennium preppers overreacted. We would have to respectfully disagree with any criticism concerning their efforts. These preppers are actually trail blazers of their time and ahead of their time.
And what exactly is our logic? An investment in steel protection is a life-long commitment. It’s not like stockpiling toilet paper or canned meat. Even though Y2k was the Chicken Little playout of our generation, those who did invest in a safe room or storm bunker are still reaping its benefits today. Steel protection, such as a safe room or underground bunker from U.S. Safe Room, doesn’t go away. It’s there for life or the duration of your home. Even if we survive the next Y2K threat unscathed, you have peace of mind and protection from threats for decades to come.
Steel protection for a new decade

A U.S. Safe Room® Knock-Down Unit features easy-to-install modular steel panels that can be fitted to any size room, hence creating a safe room wherever is most convenient for you and your family. It’s like giving your home body armor, and it could save your life.
As opposed to transporting an entire safe room pre-assembled, these safe room kit panels are lightweight and are transported by truck in single units for maximum convenience and confidentiality. Upon arrival, you may opt to install the panels yourself or have them installed by one of our professionals.
Our modular safe rooms kits can be customized to your specific needs, so don’t wait until after a life-threatening event, contact us today and protect yourself from intruders and natural disasters.