Would you go to a swimming pool without a lifeguard on duty? Or would you take your chances crossing a busy intersection without a crossing guard.
For some people, the answer to these fundamental questions is axiomatic, as it takes no real concentration to understand the risks may far outweigh any benefit of engaging in these dangerous yet seemingly mundane activities. While safety and precaution are conducive to lowered risks and accidents, sometimes it is the same values that lead to some incredulous decisions with questionable provenance. Take for the example the bustling metropolis of Oklahoma City. A local news affiliate station recently reported about the absence of public tornado shelters in this state’s capital.
Public safety above all else
Now let’s ponder that statement for a moment. There’s a midwestern city, which sits in the heart of tornado alley, that does not have public tornado shelters. How can a city that has been the sight of countless catastrophes, including the Oklahoma City bombing, be bereft of such vital infrastructure? The answer is surprisingly simple: OKC doesn’t have such facilities for practicality and safety reasons. “Traffic congestion from hundreds or thousands of other residents trying to get to public shelters could have tragic consequences,” the City says on its website. “Being in a vehicle is one of the most dangerous places to be in a tornado, and risking a drive to a shelter during severe weather could be deadly. Many deaths attributable to tornadoes are attributed to being in a vehicle.”
Instead of clamoring for a mass public shelter, which could cause undue public panic and violence, the city recommends that citizens and employers invest on on-site tornado shelters. We couldn’t agree more. Why would you unnecessarily put your safety in the hands of the masses when affordable and practical options abound?
Underground shelters
Our customizable above and below ground shelters come in a variety of sizes, but the safety of the safety of each individual unit remains unrivaled. Our underground bunkers come with a variety of floor plans to make the escape pad feel more like home and less like a beleaguered war-zone. While they feel nice and cozy inside, rest assured that your protection is our main priority as each unit is encased in steel. The customizable options allow you to take ownership of the bunker for the sake of your family’s safety. Recently, we had a customer inquired about the possibility of a second exit for above and below ground units. Our standard above ground bunker has the option to install a second exit point and the underground version has a similar option. In fact, you could even add a secondary stairwell in a below ground bunker or even an escape tunnel if you are entertaining the idea of a backup plan to your primary backup plan.

Above ground safe rooms
Like our below-ground units, every U.S. Safe Room features premium USA steel that is one-quarter of an inch thick. These, too, are also customizable and come in a variety of sizes including the small, but economical 4×6 shelter all the way up to a large community to accommodate large populations, such as in the case of Oklahoma City. Call us today at (855) 745-3676 for a free quote.