Don’t believe the xenophobic fear-mongering on immigration. Despite the divisive polarization driving the political narrative, illegal immigration into the United States is declining. As many as six in 10 Americans identified immigration as a “top issue” heading into last month’s election. Although border security should remain a top priority for any sovereign nation, pandering to demagoguery leads to further discourse before devolving into outright violence and hate crimes. While outliers will also garner the most media attention, immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes than citizens. We do not advocate illegal entry into the country, but understanding immigration’s facts can help you better prepare for insidious attacks lurking beyond your picketed-fenced yards.
“Build the Wall?” How About Building Perennial Steel Protection?
Donald Trump waltzed into the White House on his “Build the Wall” slogan in 2016. While Trump has never given credence to data-driven arguments, he overplayed and fabricated an imagined, contrived border crisis to lock down white American voters. The Republican Party’s revised Southern Strategy secured the coveted block of southern voters again in 2024 in the Midwest. Don’t get the facts twisted: we are apolitical. We only value the safety of everyday Americans. But elucidating false accounts to sway swing voters is disingenuous. Why worry your family about possible incursions a thousand miles away from home? Most victims of domestic violence and home invasions knew their perpetrator. The unknown drives fear. Scapegoating imagined nemesis far removed from the home front is easier than facing down local assailants and requires a departure from binary thinking.
Protecting What Matters Most Closer to Home
Don’t fall for the political pantomiming dividing your community. Security comes from strength in unity. There’s no wall high enough or impervious to determined breaches on our southwestern border. Mexican drug cartel tunnels and the Oct. 7 attack on Israeli settlements proved arbitrary lines on the map will never deter brazen perpetrators. Criminals are opportunistic. Why immigrate a thousand miles from the nation’s southern border to burglarize residential homes for marginalized scores that far outweigh the risk-reward paradigms on the illicit black market? Although violent home invasions and break-ins never discriminate, most property theft is hyper-localized and more likely to come from an assailant down the street than an immigrant who has never heard of your community.
Immigration Trends Frequently Change. Steel Home Protection is Permanent
Genuine concern for your family’s safety is understandable. But basing your home’s security needs on who is in the White House is short-sighted. Although the chance of falling prey to criminal inclinations is never zero, you can hedge your bets with U.S. Safe Room’s perennial steel protection. Our panelized safe room kits can be retrofitted into any existing room or infrastructure. Solid quarter 1/4″ steel paneling envelops each safe room, offering continuous life-saving protection from nefarious intruders and killer storms, including tornadoes and hurricanes. Each kit is easy to install and also great for storing valuables like firearms and gold reserves. Don’t become a victim of malicious misinformation. Take control of your family’s safety. Contact us today for a free quote and consultation!