There is a red wolf at the door in Europe. As bellicose Russian blustering underpins a cacophony of alarms of war across the continent, the geopolitical climate suggests we face a new Cuban missile crisis. And the flashpoint? The ex-Soviet outpost, Ukraine. Russia is balking at even the supposition of Ukraine joining the western NATO alliance and that any buildup of alliance weapons in the region is equivalent to war. As Russian Premier Vladimir Putin has said, western intervention in Ukraine is a red line that must not be crossed. Nuclear weapons are by no means off the table, and Russian citizens are preparing for the worst. With heightened tensions now gripping eastern Europe in eerily similar fashion to the 1960s, renewed fears of a nuclear Armageddon are underscoring terse diplomatic rhetoric. Sensationalized Russian media reports continue to prepare its frightened citizenry for the prospect of nuclear war. They even went as far as to outline mass burial protocols in the coming months, a bleak reminder of the futility of aggression and war.

Brinksmanship is a defining feature of the US-Russian diplomatic relationship. During the 1960s Cuban missile crisis, the world inched closer to midnight on the Doomsday Clock – a popular geopolitical and crisis barometer used to gauge tensions worldwide. Deft diplomacy and an unflinching resolved diffused a volatile powder keg of destruction. Continued Russian aggression and the deployment of Soviet missiles in eastern Europe continued years later, as NATO responded in turn. Escalations seemed to plateau in the late 80s with a tenuous nuclear arms agreement between then-President Reagan and Soviet leader Gorbachev to limit intermediate-range nuclear-capable missiles. Following the fall of the Soviet Union, fears of a WWIII were reduced to periodic tepid incursions into otherwise peaceful and prosperous decades. While Russia could never reach the strategic land power once garnered by its predecessor, the current regime seems content to undermine western influence and bolster its western flank with not-so-subtle military interventions.

Belowground Safe Rooms are Quelling Fears and Restoring Peace of Mind in Turbulent Times
Despite the more dubious claims of Yellow Journalism, the chances of nuclear war remain relative low. A growing arsenal of conventional weapons and improved lines of communication smoothing diplomatic channels, complemented by a philosophy of mutual assured destruction, places the chances of a nuclear war on the same level of winning the lottery. The chances are simply not in that favor. While imagery of machinegun strapped soldiers and missile batteries are sobering reminders of humanity’s propensity for conflict there is also comfort in futility. At the end of the day, there is little that any one person can do to deter hawkish politicians and military generals. If war is going to happen, there’s nothing we do to stop at it. So, what can you do? First, it’s important to revisit the statistics and take solace in the fact that we live in a rather insular nation. The U.S. mainland remained unscathed during WWII, which was the world’s largest conflict to date. Not since the war of 1812 have foreign troops graced our shoreline. That’s a fact that none of Europe can claim as the continent continues to exist in a shadow of uncertainty. But can you do at the microlevel? Protecting your family should be a priority. While there’s little you can do to save an entire community, you can guarantee your family a fighting chance in the face of catastrophe. A belowground shelter from U.S. Safe Room gives your loved ones more than just a fighting chance. Superior steel engineering, coupled with the intrinsic safety of subterranean shelters, gives your family the comfort of a near impenetrable fortress. It would take nearly a direct hit to dislodge your loved ones from this steel beast. Air-filtration systems and backup power capabilities enhance the bunker’s relative comfort and enables long-term stays in the even of nuclear fallout or social unrest. Even if we are facing a new Cuban missile crisis, you can restore calm and civility at home.

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