We should always prepare for the unexpected. From wildfires and floods to pandemics and severe weather, we owe it to our loved ones to prepare for the worst. With more than a thousand tornadoes touching down in the U.S. annually, storm protection is more important than ever before. Storm season is truly never-ending. Tornadoes can happen at anytime with little to no warning. Texas-sized tornadoes were once reserved for the Deep South and Tornado Alley, but no region of the country is truly immune. Eastern Arizona residents found themselves scrambling for cover when multiple tornado warnings were issued for the area on Tuesday. Twisters in this region are exceedingly rare, but they are growing in frequency. Just remember the growing prevalence of this severe weather phenomenon the next time you find yourself asking, “Are tornado shelters worth it?”
Superior Life Protection for Mother Nature’s Chaotic Storms
Tornadoes occur when humid air collides with dry, cold air. While Arizona routinely sees temperatures soar past 100 degrees, it’s not exactly known for its relative humid atmosphere. If tornadoes can strike the arid southwest, they can unleash their fury almost anywhere. Fortunately, there were no injuries or serious damage reported as a result of Tuesday’s tornado warnings. As you might imagine, basements aren’t common in Arizona. This means that many residents affected by Tuesday’s tornado warning were likely overcome by a feeling of unease or desperation. Such trepidation can be mitigated with a panelized safe room kit or aboveground shelter from U.S. Safe Room.
How Can You Put a Price on a Loved One?
Cars, speed boats, homes and even cell phones can be easily replaced with an insurance policy. But what about your family and loved ones? You can’t put a price on a human life. Mother Nature doesn’t discriminate when it comes to claiming lives and destroying families. Every year, entire families are affected by these killer storms. Tornadoes claim more than 100 lives annually. Don’t let your family needlessly become another statistic. Even if you survive a tornado without a shelter, you have to consider recurring healthcare costs should a loved one sustain serious injury. A prefabricated safe room or storm shelter costs a fraction of what a prolonged stay in the hospital will set you back.
Advantages of Panelized Safe Room

- Easy to install
- Discreetly delivered to your home
- Can be retrofitted in almost any existing room
- Customizable
- Can protect family, pets, valuables, weapons, money and more
- Peace of mind
- On-site storage when not in use
- Engineered to meet FEMA specifications
- More cost effective than traditional shelters
Aboveground Shelter Benefits

- Customizable
- Protect families and groups of all size
- Superior protection against storms and thieves
- Can sustain 250 mph projectiles from storms
- Peace of mind
- Engineered to meet FEMA specifications
- On-site storage when not in use
- Perfect for mancaves, she-sheds and game rooms, or wine cellar